Flores Bimble

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sun 16 Sep 2012 22:39
Flores Bimble
We ate a hearty breakfast, I sat next
to the hotel trike, I must own one, one day. Back to
our room for a couple of hours sleep, as once again the Independence Day
celebrations went on until just after three. The woman who kept clapping and
shouting encouragement as her friends performed shooters was at one point, at
risk of me pushing her in the lake and holding her head under until the bubbles
stopped. Having restrained myself as I don’t yet want full membership of the GOF
Club (Grumpy Ol’ Farts).
Bear wanted to go for a bimble around
and had to promise me an ice cream at the end to get me to stir my stumps. We
were not disappointed to see Berger Paint alive and
well. The electric supply was up to standard
Not a soul
around, Bear had to remind me it is the ‘morning
/ afternoon after the night before’ and we are off season,
Bear had promised good pictures from
up at the town square, but I felt a deserted smoothie stand,
an ugly statue and a locked church was not up to much.
The view wasn’t
much better of the lake until.........
........ a great
roof garden
What have I said about eating too many frijoles.......
Enough fun, time
to go back down to the ice cream shop.
Good to see Pizza
Hut out and about. We have been told that the youngsters in the Burger
King we passed on the way here get paid 70Q per day or five pounds forty or the
price of two burgers...........
We stood and watched motorbikes coming off the ferry
Little pearls and a
great open plan kitchen, complete with dog
Finally, Bear
delivers on his promise
Result of a good
night ????
We settled in Bill’s Place for the
afternoon, the idea was to have a Pacific Planning Meeting, not too in depth as
I had no pen and paper - always a must. Happy Hour
special was a bottle of vodka and two soft drinks for 80 Q or six pounds
and seventeen pence, the exchange rate yesterday though was 13 Q to the pound so
an even better bargain. It would have been rude not to ask for two diet Coke’s
and help Bear out – it was a 500ml bottle. Planning went so well as far as
Galapagos – our first stop, not bad, shush -
that we repeated the exercise with the aid of a plate of nachos, Mmmm more
frijoles......... The lovely lady who looked after us (on the left) was called
Nuella, she left at five and her equally happy twin
Lucy took over.
About seven we went back to our hotel
and got waylaid by a waiter who insisted we join a party of new
arrivals.....Cocktails, cute decoration and Bear
immersing himself very smoothly into the group, whatever he was telling these
ladies it was a big one or was he trying to start a Mexican Wave – wrong country
Back to our room for an early night,
alarm set for four thirty to be downstairs ready for our five o’clock bus to San