Villa Week 24

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sat 5 Sep 2020 23:57
Week Twenty-Four – a Big New
![]() Sunday the 30th of August.
“What,” I hear you all cry .... “No eggs, world crisis, why ???” Bear said he
was full, I agreed, we watched a film and I suggested ice cream. Yes, ice cream for Sunday breakfast. We both decided we had had
quite a week and we were going to have a day off. Sadly, no internet after nine
so we watched another film.
![]() We played and
lazed, went for a swim, had showers and at half past five Michael came for supper. We began with mud slides and
nibbles, then starters with the chilled bottle Yellow Label Veuve Clicquot our
lovely guest had bought for us. Bear had set up my IPod on shuffle playing my
top 500. Michael and I found we had loads of African music tastes in common and
he was extremely surprised that we both knew Cesária
Évora and other stars from the Cape Verde Islands. A smashing evening
that sped by all too
![]() Monday the 31st. I finally started the
working week by painting the pelmet and balcony wall in our room. Bear started
sanding. YAY, a long time coming, hence a big new week – well that and beginning
with ice cream, a first for both of us. A chap popped
by and stopped to take in the view (bottom right) when he saw me he gave
a couple of flashes of his orange throat pouch and on he went about his
business. Second coat in the afternoon and Bear began work on the electric box.
I started the horrid ceiling with the roller on the unwieldy pole and got sooooo
much paint on me. We went for a very late swim, I selected a rough shell and
used it as a pumice stone and began to
![]() Tuesday the 1st of September. Heavy rain this morning, mainly falling from the neck from
of The Sleeping Indian. Went to pick up the returned alternator, fingers crossed
all repaired and happy. Not too much in the way of shopping but we managed to
fill the day until half four. Did it rain on the way back, visibility severely
reduced so it was a much slower journey. Last lot of chippings loaded for
Sharmone then a quick
![]() Wednesday the 2nd. Third coat on the
pelmet and balcony door wall, we didn’t think room was too dull until we saw the
white against the original, then to the pole to
finish the first coat on the ceiling. I finished the
bathroom. Not quite as much paint over myself but a dip at half five put me
right. Bear moved the wall lamp to the middle of the gap between curtains and
air con unit, drives me nuts when things are on the kilter. Then he got to
filling ninks and dinks, a wonderful assistant. Why
thank you. We went for a quick dip at six and chatted, mmmm, back at
just shy of seven a split second before
Thursday the 3rd. More of the
Friday the 4th. Even more of the
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Saturday the 5th. We came up with a
cunning plan this morning. Move the bed, Bear stripped off the quilt and
pillows, added a sheet of plywood and the step ladder. Up I went after getting
my balance with ‘himself’ holding the ladder steady, still felt like a circus
act though. First job was to wash the fins of the ceiling fan, then paint
a first coat and let them dry a bit. Time to get stuck into the big bit of the
bedroom ceiling, this time standing on the plywood as Bear got on with his jobs.
Many, many, brush, control the brush masking taped to the end of my retractable pole,
then dip, brush and repeat. Lucky me, I still have the front bedroom ceiling to
do. Using an inch wide brush though may be a bit slower but quicker in the long
run as it is easier to wiggle into the grooves and end bits.
![]() ![]() ![]() Bear got to his
electrickery jobs, altered the
mirror hanger that made it hang wonky and then fought
to get the curtain rail end off to add ten hangers we found during a sort
![]() ![]() Then he performed surgery on the
wall each side of the bed where new plug sockets that have two USB
charging cables can go. Then the delicate task of fishing
about for the wire trained between the wall
![]() Nice during an afternoon five-minute sit down to watch
the Saturday afternoon racers. We kept working as the
sun went in, it rained a bit and the wind was chippy, so no swim. I pressed the
left curtain and after we had hung it, Bear held his end to the middle while I
tightened the pleating string. Too exhausted to cook Bear went for a takeaway.
A good work day in the