Beez to 21/10/18

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sun 21 Oct 2018 22:57
Beez Progress This Week to
the 21st of October 2018
![]() ![]() Monday 15th. Eight o’clock Bear said
he was off to the office to ask James about transporting the new bow thruster
battery. His driver is going to put several boat bits
together and it will be with us in about a week. My mobile updates went from two
to three hours so I gave up. I’ll make you a cup of tea and want you by the mast
in ten minutes. Whoa, Aye Aye Skipper. I drank my tea, went to the
mast to find smiler ready with a mouse
connected to a wire. Do you want to pull or
guide. Guide please, the next minute I was washing my hands in WD40
and off we went. Heavens does that man pull quickly,
all done in a flash.
![]() ![]() ![]() The next
mouse was readied, WD40 missed it completely so now
my legs have had a good dousing....... Ooops, I’ll give you ooops...... Two of the marina boys busily repairing the broken
guttering next to us. Once again the skipper yanked the wire through at great
speed and there it was. All
done you’re discharged, well get your cap on then and off I
![]() ![]() ![]() So thrilled am I with the work Bear
has done on Beez boots that I stopped for a
closer look and more pictures.
![]() I look back at happy boy who loves nothing better than ‘fiddling
![]() ![]() ![]() Third coat of varnish deferred for
today as next door has men on board sanding his teak trim but the job is looking
pretty good. Hand rails and the beginnings of the
first dorade. After lunch Bear went back to fiddling on the mast and me to
sanding....... Supper, game and final episode of series one of Paranoid. Our
days are firmly in a pattern now.
![]() Bear got to try Dong Po Meat with rice tonight as a trial run. It doesn’t
have to be refrigerated and may come in handy on the Indian Ocean passages. I
await comments. Tender meat, pork I think and not a bad
portion size. Winner then for one pound thirty-six.
![]() ![]() Tuesday 16th. I was determined to
finish the blog on our visit to Winchester Cathedral, it has grown and grown
over the last few days to the point it had to have two parts. Just above my head
the window opened, just look at that crazing in the
light – you can barely see through it. Bear then set about
the loudest of banging, a little disconcerting to say the
![]() ![]() ![]() Twenty minutes later I looked up to
the new hatch, Bear clearly
visible through the bit not covered with protective plastic. Soon it was
wrapped until launch. Bear moved to the hatch above
the dining table and number three was in place.
![]() Bear dangling
through the kitchen hatch. More banging and that too was replaced as I
get back to sanding.
![]() ![]() More dangling, this time
through the en suite. More horrendous banging but this time an
unhappy skipper as only one hinge gave. For now, no
new hatch.
![]() ![]() Wednesday 17th. Anyone would think we
are in the rainy season...... Bear took my old
fishing reel off and came in to do some searches for bits and pieces. I lined
the first new window shade with thermal spongy foil (that Bear had made me and
undercoated). After lunch we went shopping. We stopped at Jimmy’s for varnish
only for Audrey to tell us that there was no clear, one-part varnish to be had
anywhere in Asia. Right then, time to pick a slight amber shade. Pink decision. Oh great. Bear refused to give joint
custody to any decision. Humming and harring while Bear gathered some brush
cleaner and acetone, two pots of Epifanes Varnish was decided on and off we went
to the massive haberdashery to get some new mats, then Tesco and Mr DIY before
landing in Aeon. All packed away by half six, supper and a nice win at Mexican
Train Dominoes. Huh. But you love me enough
to work with me tomorrow. I can always change my
![]() ![]() ![]() Thursday 18th.
Sensing crew depression coming on, Bear did carry out his promise to spend the
day working with me. He cut more replacement window shades and undercoated,
lightly sanded the bedroom in readiness for a quick freshen-up - when I get my
brush wet next. We had lunch as usual and our backgammon challenge has settled
into a worrying pattern of Bear pushing me to four all, yes, but you have nailed the fifth and final game three days on
the trot. Yes, but. But Nothing with a Big
Huh........... This afternoon I managed to make a mess in my cup of tea but the new motif flowers are quite
nice on the kitchen shade, Big on the left and small on the right. Bear finished cutting the new window
shades that I needed, undercoated and left them to dry overnight. I cooked Bear
a small tuna for supper and we settled to watch a really good English police
drama called Scott and Bailey – great characters and a good pace.
![]() ![]() Friday 19th. I’ve nearly run out of cereal. OK then, after we
breakfasted together I glued the little lounge and sea berth silver reflectors
on the panels Bear made for me yesterday, then I picked the glue off the
scissors and settled to the task of dried fruit
cutting. Bear looked something up on the internet and took a stage exit right to
potter outside. His first job – to tidy quite heavy tools that had blown off
their perch in last nights storm. Did I mention before....... - anyone would
think we are in the rainy season..... The washing up bowl was soon filling with
Bear’s fruit mix of pomegranate seeds, craisins,
Smartie lookalikes, mini chocolate drops, the guava and mango slices along with
his apricots were cut and everything mixed together –
I call this his anti-gout mix. Some was put away for the next dose, the rest
mixed with three packets of granola and put in his plastic container. Time to
get back to sticking material on the unfinished shades. After lunch I lost 5 – 3
at backgammon. Growling. Bear went off to service the big outboard engine and I
finished all the window blinds. That took us to supper and I lost at Mexican
Train Dominoes. Even more growling before an episode of Scott and
![]() ![]() Saturday 20th. We actually ate
breakfast in bed – well I enjoyed my carrot and cup of tea and Bear tested his
new mix of anti-gout muesli while we enjoyed, rather naughtily, two episodes of
Scott and Bailey. Then great success as Bear finally managed
to free the final hinge of the old en suite hatch cover and within the
hour it ported its brand new, shiny window. I did the third coat of varnish to
the hand rails, hook holders and car trolley before attacking more steel
polishing. The bad news was as Bear freed the clamps for the big outboard the
right one snapped off but Bob next door knows where Mr Yanmar hangs out so
hopefully easy to replace. Between us we hoisted the big outboard down to an
anchor chain stand where Bear clipped it for servicing. All of a sudden it was
lunchtime. A quick five nil to me. That’s really upset
me. Well, you did say we had to get back to work. Huh. Bear serviced whilst I got back to the
never-ending job of cleaning the railings and stanchions – a very mucky job and
soon my hands were black. I did get a break when I had to help hoist the big
outboard back into place and then Bear lifted the little engine down for his
service. All of a sudden his head popped up, I can’t go
on it’s got too dark to see, I hadn’t noticed as the automatic shed
lights had come on and I mostly clean by feel. Shower bags collected we went
down the ladder. It got very dark very early tonight
didn't it. Errrrr no, it’s twenty past seven. Oh. Showered and suppered we
played Mexican Train Dominos and I scraped a win by four. That’s it, I need a biscuit and a cup of tea in bed.
Night night. Growling........
Sunday 21st. Neither one of us have
ever bunked off school, so it was with great badness that we had breakfast in
bed and three, yes three episodes of Scott and Bailey. We got up at 12:15,
played backgammon which I won five one. Super snarly
growl, then we had lunch and a game of Tri-ominos. You beat me. Time to get to work........ I tidied the
kitchen and washed the floor before getting back to my other never-ending of
sanding, Bear stripped the carburettor of the little Honda generator and I
finished the wall to the left of the fridge. After supper I was hammered at
Mexican Train Dominos – about time too. My
turn to growl.