
Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Fri 28 May 2010 22:52
 Ball in aid of St Luke's Hospice
Lord G in one of Mrs Walkers hats, sipping champagne before we set off
Piped in to the beautiful marquee in the grounds of Plymouth Albion. Bear with his 007 impression
Mrs W following a small dress incident - remedied with a piece of magicians string !!!
I call this "The Six Degrees" - at least that between Peter, Alasdair and Bear
After dinner there was an Auction of Promises and songs made famous by the Brat Pack entertainment
Alasdair and his 'serious Santa' face and caught dancin'
Our Hostess and organiser - the lovely Fran caught in a clinch and finally relaxing.
The evening was a complete success and due to the leadership of Fran and her female support team - the Ball raised about five thousand pounds for this brilliant cause. Well Done Fran.
A rare picture of us together. It was great to catch up with so many from Hardwick Farm and loads of other people we know