Road Bay

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sun 21 Mar 2010 23:41
As we left Coral Bay for the ninety three mile overnighter to Anguilla, we were shocked when the day tourist pirate ship let off her canon. Leaving the Virgin Islands in the distance after three months, having visited some thirteen islands
Captain hoisting the Anguillan flag for the first time. From a distance the island looks very flat
A little more shape as we approach. The first thing that struck us was the beautiful sandy beaches, no big hotel chains and the constant winds - love at first sight for me
No sooner than the anchor was down in Road Bay than this chap, I named Brian was bobbing up next to Beez, he stayed with us our whole visit - I just knew this was a very special place
We readied Baby Beez and went ashore, first job - to clear in with Customs. Then as it was Sunday into Johnno's for lunch
Bear happily settled to wait for his mango cocktail, followed by lobster. While we waited for our food we watched the children play
Sunday live music, Sprocka (on the left) is a local, we chatted to him later and saw the following night perform at Cap Juluca. The rest of the band came over from St Martin - very cool
Not as cool as Got Music who sat at one of the tables to do a harmony, or, the drummer who had time to take a call - only in the Caribbean
This local man, several bricks short of a load loves to leap on stage and pretend to sing - the band are very tolerant and set up a silent mike for him. Bear enjoying the ambience
The massive sandy beach. We watched the sheltered anchorage from our table as the day turned into evening, making for a good black and white shot
After we had eaten and the band finished their set of easy blues, many people came over for a chat. Judy Bardfield and her husband Louis introduced us to family and friends. Sprocka pulled up a chair and soon we were thoroughly enjoying easy company and friendship. Katrina organised us a hire car for the morning and told us where to find the best bakeries and eateries. I knew it was love at first sight for me but these people just made my initial resolve deepen. A truly special place.
ALL IN ALL A perfect end to a perfect day