To SBM Panama

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Mon 28 Jan 2013 23:57
To Shelter Bay Marina,
Final farewells splitting the Great
Eight into two sets of Famous Fours, we were anchor up at ten o’clock, a quick
once around the harbour to put the main up with one reef. One last look up at
Split Hill, Our Lady and Morgan’s Head and off out to sea at half past.
It was an idyllic day for sailing.
Sirena of Oare (Eric and Dee) soon overtook, well she is two feet bigger with ten feet of extra mast and
massive sails. No competing between the skippers then
A grand day, then night settled. Trotting along happily at over five knots in
good conditions and no further hassle with water in the diesel. This time the
charger is playing up.........
Day one and half way. I was just
about to take a picture of the amazing blue water when a whole gang of little friends appeared. They played for ages, squeaking
and clicking in delight.
After a smashing second and last day
at sea, the sky darkened with soft pastels at dusk,
until the brightest full moon lit the
A very important change to the flag of Panama
I am not due on duty until ten, but
this morning I leapt up at nine so I didn’t miss a thing. We were Panama bound –
YeeHa. We would be entering freighter traffic lanes for one of the busiest ports
in the world. I stuck my head up and was not disappointed – six chums on the horizon.
Ladies began
appearing literally right left and centre
So much so at one point I could count
twenty seven within sight and the AIS looked very busy
With Beez shrieking in delight as
she surfed down ten foot waves Bear radioed Cristobal
Control and asked permission to enter the breakwater.
There were girls at anchor, idling as they waited for a pilot and underway
All too soon (for my liking) we were
looking at the breakwater and passing
There was a little
boat actually fishing in the washing machine seas, just
Inside the sea quieted and we watched
a pilot racing to her next job
This chum politely
followed us in having waited for us to clear to the right.
Inside to our left – The Flats where many girls anchor
Tucked over by the right wall we were
in our our channel to the marina. Chums anchored out
in the bay.
A very sad looking
lady laying down. The jungle and the famous canal away somewhere in the
Entering Shelter
Bay Marina, Colon, Panama
safely tucked in with Eric busy settling her, she came in an hour before us.
The yachts behind us on D dock.
Beez Neez with a
happy looking skipper on E dock. Our two hundred and fifty four miles
took exactly forty eight hours, so Beez averaged over five knots. Erick our
Panama Transit Agent stopped by to introduce himself and asked would it be
convenient for the Admeasurer to come to us in the morning. It really is
happening. A few chores, a stock take, a shopping trip and maybe a visit to the
Carnival before we set off on our biggest At-Venture yet.