Day 3

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Fri 20 May 2011 22:28
Day 3, Little Hoople
No rain overnight so we chose to return to Little Hoople. En route Jason - aka the Carp Whisperer - very kindly took us on the circular road through the newly opened park / campsite. He showed us his favourite fishing spot - I had time to take a shot of the boys talking 'tactics'. This huge area has been closed off since last September, a new road, some clearing, renovation and bird boxes all make this a stunning place. This morning the haze created quite a picture and actually hung in the air until well into the afternoon. After a marvelous breakfast, time to get cracking.
All set and ready to catch, but a little time to take some cute photographs
A handsome little boy at eighteen pounds ably watched by our new little friend who wanted to get in on the action and the geese
"I see no ships" but at least our new friend is back where he should be
Not quite as big as yesterday, exceptionally slimy and difficult to hold, but I'm very chuffed indeed. I can now report - Tally five all 
My proud mate agreed
We were treated to a fly past and left what we are certain will become 'our special place' Little Hoople