Fort Bear

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Fri 3 Feb 2012 22:47
Big Bear – Cannon
Firer We were all up and along the road to
the fort, arriving at nine thirty. The boys filled in their
consent forms and we left them to it.
Mags, Trooper and I bimbled along
St George Street, empty at this time in the morning
and headed for a wine and
chocolate smoothie, a first for me - rounded off with a piece of
Meantime the boys
were rigged out and began their training
The pick in
place. Bear was trained to use his thumb, very odd,
very odd. Looking pleased with a ‘chuffed to nuts’
The boys rang us and we were there for
their first shot, both were Rear Rights. Then we got to pose
with our heroes.
The St Augustine
Bastion (one of four), Bear’s cannon to the
After marching
past us the boys were discharged for lunch
Plenty of chatter
and cheesy grins about their morning, at a quarter past one off they went
leaving us to deal with the bill.
We had another wander around the
town, then an excited call. Steve had chatted up the Safety Officer to allow
Bear to fire the cannon, we would see him in action on the last exhibition
firing at three thirty. We arrived back at the fort in time to chat to some of
the other boys. I asked why some buckles on the shoes were in facing the middle,
some not. Simple, shoes were the same shape from the same last. Today wear them
this way, tomorrow that
way – makes for even wear and tear – cannot argue with that logic. Bear
with pick in hand.
Chatting over – time to
form up and march. Bear holding his Botafuego
The order of things. Attention and
hat check. The gun crew make the sign of the cross and ask for the blessing of
Saint Barbara. Front right brings up the cuchara to the muzzle in ready
position. Front left moves with the pick and ready themselves at the vent, faces
the master gunner. Front right enters the cuchara into the bottom of the bore.
Front left after cuchara seats into bottom of bore, picks the vent. Front right
returns the cuchara to its place and faces cannon. Front left moves to powder
keg and faces cannon. Rear right brings up the lanada to the muzzle in ready
position. Rear right moves up to cannon and stops the vent (with thumb, no,
don’t like that his trigger finger wants to take over) facing the bay. Rear left
passes the lanada in and out of the bore, brings it out to the ready position
when finished. Rear right continues to stop up vent. Rear left returns the
lanada to its place, turns towards the bay and faces cannon. Rear right
continues to stop up the vent. Rear left brings atacador to muzzle in ready
position. Front left brings cartridge to muzzle. Rear right continues to stop up
vent. Master gunner moves up to supervise. Front left loads the cartridge into
the muzzle. Rear left stands in ready position. Rear right continues to stop up
vent. rear left rams down cartridge gently but smoothly. Front left returns to
powder keg, faces cannon. Rear right continues to stop up vent until master
gunner is ready to pick the vent. (Thank Heavens his vent stopping is stopping,
I’m getting fed up typing that line). Rear left returns the atacador to its
place and faces cannon. rear right returns to their place and faces cannon. Rear
left and right advance to handspikes, picks them up and hold its base against
the cannon carriage. Turn and face master gunner. Then rear right and left move
the handspikes into position at rear of cannon carriage in preparation for
moving cannon into battery. Then they heave the cannon into place at the wall.
Rear left and right position their handspikes back on side of carriage and face
master gunner. Front right moves to rear of cannon, takes off hat and bows to
master gunner. Front right aims left and right by patting cheeks of carriage.
Rear left and right move cannon as front right directs. Front right aims
elevation with quadrant, when aimed nods to master gunner. All positions
resumed. Master gunner moves up to cannon with powderhorn and removes pick and
primes the vent. Front right takes off hat and covers the vent. Front left goes
to the botafuego (matchcord lit from Saint Barbara’s candle), lifts it and faces
cannon. Master gunner returns to position. Front left moves forward, turns right
and takes botafuego to windward side of cannon. Stop when master gunner yells
“Alto”. Front left blows on matchcord, brings botafuego back to ready position
and nods to the master gunner when ready. All members cover their ears. FUEGO.
The noise was awesome.
The bit that shows Bear in action for
the important part is on a short video clip on Facebook (sadly the noise of the
cannon going off is tiny compared to the reality of it).
Fantastic. An Englishman, pretending
to be an American, dressed as a Spaniard, firing on the English in America.
A huge thank you to Jeff for inviting
the boys. To Steve for getting Bear the opportunity to really light a cannon,
momentarily giving his trigger finger something unforgettable to do. And thank
you to all the rangers and volunteers that make the whole reenactment
Then there is a lengthy process to put
everything back to the beginning. When the cannon are safe
the crowd moves forward to chat and ask questions