Poorly Prop

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Wed 30 Jan 2013 23:51
Our Very Poorly Propeller and
Exciting Things
Monday evening. A wonderful surprise
when we came into the marina was that one of the people taking our lines was
none other than Marlo. Larry was off in town but we
arranged beer o’clock on the catamaran they are delivering to Fort Lauderdale,
together with Eric and Dee at 17:30. Wonderful to
catch up with them for this brief time as they are off in the
Tuesday. Our turn to wave from the shore, no sooner had they gone than they were
reversing back in - no power.... Just as they were returning we saw La
Boheme coming in, we had last seen Anna and Greg in Guadeloupe four years ago.
We welcomed them with huge hugs and joined them aboard for celebratory drinks
later in the evening. I have so much to thank Greg for in getting me involved
with SLR cameras. Anna presented us with three cards – small copies of just a
few of her beautiful water colours due to be exhibited in Australia in October.
Their crew: Ben and Margret made for a very jolly evening. We hope to chat up
our respective advisors to allow us to make part of a three boat raft when we
transit the Canal. Fingers crossed.
On our way home, we saw Larry and
Marlo briefly to get an update. A diver went below, finding massive barnacles on
their props, apparently a real problem here if you sit quietly for more than a
couple of weeks
Wednesday. Barnacle clear Larry and
Marlo were good to go once again. We hope to see this
great couple next in South Africa and wish them Safe Seas and Following Winds.
The merest mention of crocodiles
visiting the marina on a frequent basis put Big Bear into a flat wuss-out of
diving to get the prop off. He got Jesus to do it for
him. Well, he’s got a better name than me when it comes
down to it and grew up with said creatures........ Yes skipper.
Jesus was under Beez and up with said prop in twenty minutes.
This evening for one night only, we
became honorary members of the Cruising Association.
Five boats are going through on Saturday - Eric and Dee as line handlers, guess
who’s going to be quizzed on Sunday ??? We wish this lovely group all the very
best for a safe transit and onward Pacific adventure.
The table next door but one – no other
than Gregory and Anna (right), Ben and Margret (left). What a community we have
Thursday. Our poorly prop. I hit an
enormous fishing rope on the journey to Providencia, immediately went into
neutral, no forward thrust at all. Oh. After a while I tried pulsing and
eventually the big rope swam off. I reported a little judder and Bear snorkeled
below and waggled the blades. He thought it would get us here and had hoped that
it was a case of slippage and a good service would do the trick. Coming here the
judder was clearly getting worse but as it happened we had a cracking sail and
‘rested’ the prop for most of the journey. The picture on the left shows its
injuries and the picture on the right shows Bear holding up one blade, the
others are supposed to move in tandem, they don’t and just lay there lifeless.
What the teeth
look like on a new one......
A few emails and a quick response
from Daniel at Bruntons in Clacton on Sea will hopefully see our brand new
Autoprop arrive next Friday. Our visa card has gone into a flat spin with this
shock purchase. Ouch, but going through the canal is the one time we will have
to depend on our prop to be effective and efficient. Needs must and all
ON |