Date Night Langkawi

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Thu 8 Dec 2016 23:57
Date Night Langkawi
Today followed a pattern that seems to have been happily set – chores all morning, lunch and a bimble to the pool. Val (Kereru) suggested the 18:15 ferry and supper at the little eateries along from the jetty ‘on the other side’. Sounds like a wonderful plan as we haven’t yet set foot off the island of Rebak. Waiting for the ferry I took the pictures that are posted in the little ferry office showing ‘standards’ for the Resort staff.
Hair seems reasonable and holds the greatest sway with three different posters.
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Sideburns, rings and watches.
There are a few dodgy carpet squares amongst yachties who would fail at interview on the moustache front.......
My favourite was the monobrow embargo. We know a few that would have to ‘do’ more than once a month.....
All peaceful looking toward ‘D’, ‘E’ and hard standing.
Soon aboard for the ten minute crossing to Langkawi.
From the little jetty we could see the beach, a fifteen minute walk away. Just around the corner is Cenang Beach (said Chenang) – a popular tourist destination for Europeans as the heat here is gentler and the seasons very predictable. We have just finished the Wet Season which will make a pleasant change from it tipping down every day.
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We watched the world go by and the sunset, whilst my new grandma – a beatific, cherubic, smiling Muslim lady prepared our eight satay sticks and the best satay sauce. She had asked for a lady to come from another stall to translate for us. She sent ‘up the way’ for portions of rice and to another stall for cans of Coke. A delicious feast that came to thirty eight Wingnuts (Ringgits) or six pounds eight three for the four of us....... We will be back often methinks.
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Time to read the Rules of the Ferry and wait to be called to board the last one home at 19:45. Home for an episode of something.
                     A VERY NICE EVENING