Les Mis

Les Miserables – A Plymouth College
Production I’m sure most people know the story of Les
Mis, but just in case here is a quick rundown. This epic musical recounts the
story against adversity in 19th Century France. Imprisoned for stealing a loaf
of bread, petty thief Jean Valjean is released from his nineteen year term and
not only becomes an honest man, but the mayor of a prosperous town and a loving
adoptive father – violating his parole in the process. Inspector Javert makes a
decent life for Valjean impossible, pursuing him relentlessly. Only years later, after Valjean proves his mettle during a
bloody student uprising and saves the life of a young man hopelessly in love
with his adopted daughter, does the ex-convict finally feel fully
Before we arrived at the Walker household, MOTH had asked if we would like to see Andrew in his school play. Neither of us had seen Les Mis before as we felt it would hardly be a ‘feel-good’ story so we would be a tough part of the audience to please. Keen to go to support Andrew though, my only worry was coughing and spluttering – so armed with enough throat pastilles for a large flu clinic, off we went. Lol (Moth’s dad), his best friends Johnny and Jenny, Moth, Bear and I settled after Andrew himself met us and directed us to our parking positions. Now bear in mind we met him when he was ten - this now strapping young man dressed in stage clothes came as something of a pleasant shock.
Playing the part of Inspector Javert, Andrew was every bit the handsome Thespian, playing his role with enormous presence and conviction.
The audience clapped at every opportunity (a relief for me to be able to cough heartily). By the time Inspector Javert was held, we were enthralled
Now we felt Javert’s shame and by the time he left the windowsill the whole audience let out a gasp
The last song was fantastic
The budding young Larry O popped out to see us after the show. Congratulations and a hug of course. ALL IN ALL