Beez to Auckland

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Tue 11 Mar 2014 23:57
Finally We Leave Beez Neez and Here We are in
![]() Wednesday began with the now dry
window blinds being stowed in a bag. Our bedroom one to be placed as permanent,
its only a tiny window and mostly covered with the captains ‘bits’ that he puts
on top of the handful of books that live there. Steady. It’s true. Well anyway. Bear had bought
himself a new butter knife in Arthur’s Emporium on our day trip to Whangarei as
Beez had managed to misplace his........ Spring cleaning the said shelf, what
did I find down behind the books, yep, his original butter knife, well my new one was only twenty five pence...........
Mmmm, note to Bear, don’t do the tucking stuff anymore. The skipper has been
seen doing such a variety of jobs all day every day and falling in to bed each
night. We get through half an episode and end up with the second half over
breakfast. Slowly, we finished Damages, the first season of Breaking Bad (must
get more) and the first season of Chicago Fire.
![]() Thursday Bear sprang up the ladder,
all of a rush after his morning ablution, quick I need
the camera, there’s a crane going through a boat. Well I never, I
haven’t seen Bear move that swiftly for quite some time. Back he came very
pleased with his pictures, seen above.
Friday came and went with Barry
appearing toward the end of the day to rebuild the engine injectors and fuel
system, off after ten minutes to deal with a boat launch, returning later with
Marcus. Not done, they promised to finish off Monday morning.
Saturday passed in a frenzy of
packing. I managed to lean over the stew pot to turn off the gas and burnt my
left breasticle, mid copious laughter and froze the other one cleaning out the
Sunday. Rod and Mary came back from a
few days out in the Bay of Islands, we were not one bit jealous – much. They
pulled on to the visitors dock, gave us a call and off we went for a quick
visit. Mary kindly handed Bears anorak back and I handed over mine (the one I
should have given her in the first place). We admired their sewing, what a fine
conservatory they have now.
Monday dawned bright and busy.
Washing on, nip back to hoover through. Back to laundry to put it in the tumble
dryer, nip back to cook the bacon for the BLT’s to take with us. Bear trotted
over to collect as I was putting the sarnies together. All ready, just, by one.
All jobs finished, well as the engineers didn’t show up (I’d already put money
on that, but it is their busiest time of the year with boats launching every day
and we are not in a rush), which meant the office still looks like a tip. Baby
Beez is still on holiday so her new seat hasn’t been made, my sewing hasn’t
started and I am still on varnishing strike so the cockpit edge hasn’t been
done. On Bears list, the hull polish, anti-fouling, service all the winches,
re-sealing the rubbing strake, re-bed the chain plates and re-marking the anchor
chain. So a bit to do before we can launch the girl when we get back to her at
the end of May.
At one o’clock Rod and Mary very
kindly came to collect us to take us the short way up the hill to the bus stop.
Short walk if you are not pulling a small cart behind you with a back sack and a
carrier bag. I think we would still be pulling our cases now had we been doing
it alone........
![]() ![]() Quick stop half way for a leg stretch and the BLT’s
On the
bus at one thirty with David our driver. One hundred and forty miles as one
adult and one ‘golden age’, I’m not sure I approve of
that, I can think of a few other less favourable ways to put
it............. Yes dear. Anyway our bus
fare was twenty nine pounds from Opua to Auckland
![]() ![]() ![]() Arriving after six with no idea where
the local buses were or indeed where we were, we found a taxi. Our driver told
us he had been in New Zealand for fourteen years and drove taxis part time to
supplement his pension. He came originally from Kabul, Afghanistan – a very
cuddly man who could easily double up as an older version of George Clooney. He
surprised us when he said he was sixty nine, didn’t look a day over sixty. Our
seven miles journey hurt as it cost thirty four pounds. Ouch.
![]() We were welcomed at the Best Western
by a very nice lady who handed over a welcome cup of milk, a pair of wi-fi codes
and the promise of helping us to find the right bus into the city on the morrow.
Beds tested the very bouncy bed in our big room, huge
after Beez.
![]() ![]() Bear knew he was in for a soak in a
bath but his surprise from me was that I had booked a room with a large spa bath. This upgrade was the same price as having
breakfast, so I brought three bags of rationed muesli for Bear and three
measured bags of Coco-Pops for me. While himself settled to his well earned
water massage, I trotted down the road for some milk and basic supplies to put
the kitchenette to good use. I came back with a few bits and bobs and – yes – no
milk. Numpty. Within minutes of me being
back to base the room took on a different look. Bed
untucked and turned down, nightwear laid out, pillows set, lamps on and a drink
delivered to my now very pink and crinkly husband. My first bath in two years, blooming
![]() A slow start to the day. Bear trotted
to the shop for milk, found crumpets (as we have a toaster) and got down to
producing tea and a late breakfast. Advised which bus stop to use, we had a
wiggly journey of nearly an hour that saw us to the city centre. The sum was a
small dint compared to the taxi ride. Cost, two fifty each. Bear got his watch
back from its service, then a taxi to find the Mac shop as his laptop charger
had died. This chap said he was happy to go off meter as he was going “that way”
for his afternoon job, driving buses. We had gentle symphonic music as our
Yugoslavian gem didn’t mind poor instructions. They were
not poor, I got the address off the internet, it wasn’t my fault the place
didn’t exist. Yes dear. Our driver found us another repairer and
they kindly tested the wires, located the trouble and fixed it. Directed to a
bus stop, we enjoyed watching the world go by and some time later we were on a
bus back to the city. Nothing for it, McDonald’s – part of our quest to eat in
one in every country we find one – just one that is. Outside was a very small
man making a huge noise with his didgeridoo. Left
hand organising his instrument, while his right was hitting a bass sound on one
side and cymbals on the other of his tiny keypad.
![]() My watching him for five minutes saw
the bus we wanted slip away on the other side of the road. More sitting and people watching then. The next bus
coincided wit Uni home time. All those bright young things. The young lady who
ended up standing next to the now nodding Bear, was telling her neighbour that
she was studying advanced maths and string theory. I wish her luck with that
then. A handsome chap along the way. Back in our room
after six hours and a total of three shops. Bath time
then.................Final picture
has to go to Beds – arrrrrrrrrr.