To Basseterre
Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Tue 22 Feb 2011 23:33
En Route to Basseterre and a
Little Explore
A picture we took yesterday after we
had spuddled round Cockleshell Bay next door - shows what on
our own really means - only company a sand barge
This morning Wind Guru prediced thirteen foot swell in high winds,
so for safety sake we are off to shelter in the marina in Basseterre. Ten
o'clock we were ready to go just around the corner, about six miles.
If there is no room to dock, we have a back up plan to go into Frigate Bay about half way, to find a sheltered anchorage
if it is too rolly outside the marina or it's too
Evidence of a girl who didn't get it
right, a reminder that the sea can be 'unfriendly at
Looking back at Nevis shows a squall
behind us
Glad to see we are not the only 'mad kids' out here in gusts of
thirty knots plus. A heavily reefed yacht and a couple of
hardy fishermen - in oilies - in the
Caribbean ???
A elderly chum at anchor called 'Smarty' from Monrovia, West Africa - showing
an odd angle unlaiden. A ferry chugged
Basseterre, we can see is the land of
the cruise ship
One of the 'booze
cruisers' (take you out, get you drunk and sunburned - well not today) -
looking particularly fed up. A little chap
passed us by, a rarity to see out at sea
Closer in we find
another cruise ship dwarfed by the first
No room at the inn, we had just anchored when the harbourmaster
came to fetch us "I find de place for you Mon", Great off we followed, slip
right next to Golden Fleece, Shian opposite
Ashore in Port Zante, same old same old
duty free, but small compared to St Thomas or Saint Martin. Pelican Mall looked different and very
Off to find a supermarket, we saw some beautiful buildings around Independence
The Cathedral of the
Immaculate Conception
In the vestibule we found the
history of Catholicism on the island
and a lovely 'in
We investigated the nearest
supermarket, found a very cheap alcohol shop that actually sold Teacher's
(Bear's preferred tipple when mixed with ginger ale) and wandered back toward
the girl late in the afternoon. We had to walk past Shian, Paul saw us and
we stopped for a chat, Roger and Margaret wandered back from town and the
six of us were standing on the quayside when 'PLOP' and a word that sounded like
"DUCK" uttered loudly, fell from Bear's lips. His glasses - his varifocals
had slipped off his sweaty beak, bounced twice on the quay and plopped into
twelve feet of water. Well we all stared into the gloomy depths, a few
minute silence. I felt it was time for a stiff drink and ambled toward Beez.
Roger on the other hand smartly went to Golden Fleece, zipped back with his crab
line and set to work. Bear shuffled after me saying "a local has offered to dive
in for US $100" but I have to lend him my 'face glass', off he went with his
snorkel, I poured a stiff one - then doubled it. Bear came rushing back to
report that Roger had 'caught' his glasses. Bear went trotting back - at his
fasted trot (Bear rarely ever breaks into a canter) landing net in hand in
some sort of support role. I sat quietly with my double sized stiff one as to
return to the action camera in hand may have put the bockers on the rescue, so I
sat tight. Bear returned with a filthy face (don’t ask - I didn't) a cheesy grin
and a wet pair of spectacles. Bearhug (rum infusion with mixed berries) was
handed over as 'thanks' and we all went out to celebrate at the local Indian
restaurant. It has to be said it was the hottest tandoori chicken I have ever
eaten in my life but the smiles were all genuine when it came to Roger -
The Hero.
Paint Pepe's face a deep shade
of red
Have you ever seen an empty Vodka bottle
hurled accurately at the speed of light
Bear has
Duck Bear Duck