Komba Island Lemurs, Chaps and Chapesses

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sat 7 Sep 2019 23:57
The Fauna We Met on Our Komba Island Bimble 
Twenty-seven minutes ashore and we see our first chap. All males here are black and are slightly smaller than the females who run the show......they live in a troop, peacefully, but will defend their territory against outsiders. Males are in charge of scenting the boundary with tail rubbing and scent glands on their inner wrists.
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Our guide told us to stand a few metres from the settled lemur, hold a little piece of banana and within seconds Trevor was visited. Offering eaten the little chap was ready to move on.
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I stood, my chap leapt and then he was ready to seek. Light as a feather but he did smell like the inside of a hamster cage. So very gentle, no claws, no teeth, a joy.
Bear was licked clean.
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Hands and feet. Allen’s wanted to use him as a lookout.
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Although black they seem to blend in. Chap ready to leap.
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Poised and landed.
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I sat on a boulder to listen to our guide and was joined by a chap. I had no banana but he was quite happy.
Our first female could not be coaxed from her branch.
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The tortoise whisperer ready with trigger finger.
This chap hung like a bat whilst licking some smeared banana.
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Females began to show some interest.
One took a shine to Allen.
Then we saw a gorgeous little chameleon but in Madagascar they are seen as a harbinger of bad luck.
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Small tortoise. Our guide showed us that the male has a concave ridge under his shell, shaped for mucky business....
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A hawk circled high above us. A different sort of big tortoise.
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This colourful little chap (because he has red spots on his back) was happy to enjoy a smear of banana. Note female on the right of the tree too shy to come any closer. A close up of the chap.
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Allen held this female boa constrictor, handed her to me and after some persuasion Bear took her. She is wild and will stay in a huge pit for a few days then she will be released. I took a short video of Bear...........
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..........the after picture, but they really did get on.
The real treat of the day was when a female came down for a piece of banana. Her baby was just three days old, such big eyes. Lemur comes from the Latin Lemures meaning ghosts or spirits. Although protected, many face extinction within the next twenty-five years. Less than ten per cent of the hundred species of lemur are on the Least Concern List.
Eyes closed, hands clinging and tail curled around mum like a belt.
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Such a joy to spend time with this mum.
Such pretty girls. Back to the village very, very happy.