To Rodriquez Key

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Fri 4 May 2012 22:57
To Rodriquez Key,
Florida We woke in the quiet of No name Harbor and left the
entrance behind just after seven
We rounded the corner,
looked back at Miami and set off into the Atlantic Ocean, well actually
into the Hawk Channel. Parallel to the ICW (the other side of
the islands with a four foot depth – clearly no good for Beez, but acts as a
mile marker to us) the channel runs between the Keys and the many reefs in
shallow water. Most of the time we had two point four metres below us,
occasionally up to five.
We had no idea what these
odd looking buildings could be off to our right.
Since writing this we had an answer.
The buildings on stilts in the bay are in an area called
Stiltsville. At one time there were quite a few of
them out here. Time, hurricanes, fires and other disasters means they are
disappearing. Many were just get away homes, others served as gambling and
houses of ill repute. (Thank You Terry for the update).
We had plenty of company for
the first few miles
Soon we were alone, sails up and blessed silence as the engine went off at
eight twenty five
We were actually sailing for the first time
in a year. This particular grin
says it all.
Miami faded behind
We saw a little
One of the many well
buoyed inlets
A gaggle of
Then nearly forty nautical miles later we anchored in the lee of Rodriquez Key. Facing us was the vast Atlantic Ocean