Fiasco Day

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Fri 20 Sep 2013 22:57
The Day of Rest That Turned into a Real
![]() Today began as planned. Bear was going
to do a bit of soldering, I was going to edit some
pictures and write a blog.
![]() ![]() Bears favourite
shot glass was on the draining board from having had a mango rum last
night. Yes, it really does lean over like that.
We had been warned that the anchorage
can be very rolly, especially when ferries come by, fisherman roar past thinking
it funny to rock a yacht and at tide changes. One such roll and I rushed to save
Bears little glass as I heard it clonking. Bad move, whilst I was gone -for all
of two minutes - my litre of juice had fallen off the shelf in the bedroom and
soaked the bed. Bloody marvelous.
![]() ![]() Now my glass has a
very poorly lid, badly needing to be replaced, but it held fast. The
juice escaped from the breath hole and straw.
![]() ![]() ![]() Somehow my packet of licorice allsorts got partially drowned and ended in a
sticky mess.
So, bed stripped and bedding in to
soak, that eliminated the decision as to when to wash the bedding next. The
newly scrubbed cockpit covered in smuts from the hill fire, nothing for it but a
game of backgammon. I got back from four zero to four all. Down to the wire. I had a man on four and a man on
two. Not a massive throw needed to win. What did I throw – a four and a one,
Bear threw a double five to beat me with a sinewy smile.
I’ll just open the wine methinks. Incandescent........................
In the supermarket yesterday we
bought each other a bottle of wine, over a year since that has happened. Food
wise, a bag of cooked prawns the size of small fists at a cost of a fiver.
Cocktail sauce, salad and a dollop of mash,
please. Planned party back on track. Sun should have come out and we
should have spent the afternoon by the pool. No sun, in fact it poured down. No
bad thing as Bora Bora has seen no rain in two months and the hill that was
burnt can now be considered fully doused.
![]() A real rarity, the boat in the
background has a Brazilian flag.
![]() Watching the world go by on a dull day. Upword
![]() Revenge is
sweet and payback is .................. I trounced Bear.