Day 5 to Fiji

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sun 31 May 2015 12:00
Warm, Calm, Bear Wins and Some
Electrical Mysteries
![]() The day before yesterday I was
arrested from my sleep at a quarter past eight by the bow thruster testing
itself, as if it was standing in the shower doing a couple of chords, first one
way, then the other. I could hear Bear chattering on the Net. A few minutes
later a deep baritone to the left, then the right. Alarmed, I called the
skipper, did it happen again, huh, what the chance of that when I had the said
man in the bedroom with me to witness the performance – not a chance. He looked
at me as if I had said I was about to plant a few tulip bulbs, the look on his
face said go back to sleep you silly hallucinator,
you. Later, I promised faithfully it was not my imagination as after
the first verse I’d sat up fully awake and heard the second lah, lah, lah, me,
me, me. Mmmm. Give the captain his due he went down to the potting shed, took
out enough ‘stuff’ to have a good look – battery dry, no salt damage and as far
as he could tell all was as it should be.
Yesterday I woke to a repeat
performance. Three seconds to the left, three to the right and a minute or two
later a repeat. Now when you’re standing in the cockpit you hear a ‘someone
sawing a bit of wood on the quayside’ noise. Sitting up in bed it sounds like a
lawnmower, very loud and very distinctive. I’m pleased to say if it happened
this morning my brain let me sleep through it but Bear has a postulation. Maybe, just maybe it’s a frequency thing when I’m on the SSB
Radio. Mmmm.
This morning I breezed
out at ten, having gone to bed wearing just tee shirt and knickers. Wet weather
gear not used at all, has been put back in their respective stables and big
pullovers back in the cupboard. My two till six shift nary a shoe or sock worn,
only a thin jumper on for the sake of it being to hand. Anyhoo, as I say I
breezed out this morrow to find the engine hours had
leapt into life, remember the twelve screw/wire waggle just before we set out
from the marina ??? There is a full stop missing between
the whole numbers and the decimal place, though. Thank you, dear.
Well, what can I say.
Beez has her little ways eh.........
![]() ![]() Bear sorted his
fuses out, don’t’ ask I didn’t and later on enjoyed
some tunes, on his six to ten duty he watched Notting
Hill. I also enjoyed winning my first game of
backgammon at sea in over eighteen months. Huh. I felt you whittled
me down, I got two nil up and wilted through the constant whining to lose five
three, I clearly need revenge tomorrow. Grrr.
Bear enjoyed mixed fish with dangly bits paella
and I finished off my chilli.
Noon summary:
Pretty idyllic and over half way, well, past the point
of no return......
Noon position:
25:26.77 South and 177:24.82 East
Noon to Noon: 121
nautical miles
Miles Covered:
640 nautical miles
Miles to
Go: 531 nautical miles
At six this morning we
stood together and watched the day begin. We like
squalls on the horizon, a harbinger of useful winds if we can ride at the