OCO's of Bora Bora
Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Wed 25 Sep 2013 22:57
The One Careful Owners of Bora
Soon after setting off in a tiny Fiat
to explore Bora Bora with Gordon and Liz (Cattitude), we stopped by
an unusual creature.
Definitely ticked
all the entry requirements of a One Careful Owner, but, we are not
entirely sure what it is / was.
Bear stopped the car, got out and took
these pictures. He particularly liked the front gates
and was amused by the gym.....
A lovely
shack complete with a couple of apprentice
I was very shocked at Bear for liking this car. Captains rule but no finalist. It’s
cute. Phahhhhh.
A trailer. Oooo
very borderline, excuse me, after your car........OK then, don’t force yourself Phoebe. Huh. Don’t you Huh me.
Then we saw a real gem.
Complete with her own jetty.
Quality in so many
ways. Her barrel stands could get a mention in
dispatches. Her hole and rust are up there. Her lack of foliage will hamper her beyond the quarter
finals. I cannot argue with that, Sir, but the addition of a one carefully owned flip-flip has to counter that strict
criteria a smidging. Yeaaaahhh wellllllllllllll
OK. Thank you my good man.
Let’s have a closer look at that flip-flip – a right would have been a
flop-flop.........Sorry about that.
Next up was a one carefully owned restaurant.
Surely the OCO with
the best view, his neighbour too.
I think the power
lines are worth a mention, certainly with that
Within a mile, we came
across this beauty, looking across the water at a
posh stilted hotel....
line up of ladies with potential and a new
arrival, still sporting his tow rope.
handsome shack with a view.
Sadly, our last entry is
a whole complex.
Some of the stilted
bungalows clearly had locals calling them home, at
least that’s something.