Biggles or Rocky

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sat 6 Jun 2015 22:57
Biggles or Rocky – You
![]() ![]() ![]() Now, as you all know I’m incredibly
proud of my ‘flying hat’. Bear bought it for me many,
many years ago in North Devon and I have worn it with pride every winter, always
flaps down in a casual fashion and sometimes chin strap done up, but never like
Sherlock done up over the top a la deerstalker. A man did walk up to me once and
offered to buy my jewel “for any price you care to mention”, he was en route to
the England France rugby game and the nip was more than biting in the air as
attested to by the colour of said mans ears.....
I have always known it to be a flying
hat and for several years Bear searched until he sought out a jacket, in black,
of course – brown was too easy to find, that would grace
the back of any pilot but especially you. Oh stop with the Arrr’s. The perfect combination
to wear with my black boots, turned down in a trendy mode, long before they were
known as Uggs or as popular as they are today. Sadly, when I teamed the jacket
with my hat and boots I looked ridiculous. I tried it on and it felt divine, the
soft sheepskin interior was heaven to the touch, all excited I stepped up to the
mirror. Shock horror. I looked like a tortoise who was trying on a shell he had
no possible chance of growing into, despite it being the correct size. I could
actually spin around and the jacket stayed put. Crest fallen, we left the shop
with no wasting of a perfectly good carrier bag.
When I set my Dongle to the task of
getting on line last night I found I had fifty two emails, one from Frank a very
dear BARB. He had been impressed by my Rocky of Rocky and Bullwinkle hat. So
sorry if I’m a bottom feeder here but I have never heard of the cheeky little
![]() ![]() ![]() Today Bear gave the girl a jolly good
wash down having to remove great globs of salt from all her nook and crannies.
He then put our yellow cover up, went for some bread and had a shower. I have
largely whiled the day catching up and reducing my inbox. I did have a good look
around the castle and found no damage, coupled with no bruises or injuries on
each other – a remarkable feat considering some of the bronco rides we had on
our journey here. The only mark to the interior of our home was the sooty water
mark across the lower step, as shown in the Day 2 to Fiji blog and an
interesting tiff between our Bee sweet jar and our
tall red candle. Careful sweeping of the IPod player
and a sweep around the shelf boys is necessary methinks.
Back to the task or question in
![]() ![]() Biggles or
Rocky ???
![]() ![]() ![]() It’s over to you dear reader to choose.