To Provo
Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Fri 18 Mar 2011 22:07
En Route to Provodenciales -
aka Provo
We leapt to it and Beez was all ready
to go at seven. We had a quick conflab about what the clouds meant, decided they
were just threatening out at sea and off we went. Soon as we had passed the
motorboat anchored in front of us, he was on the radio warning us about a reef
and to steer back toward him. Confidently we said we had our sonar on and
thanked him for his concern. We picked our way out to 'sea' - all two miles in
"normal" depth - before we turned into the Caicos Bank that we call Grand Bank -
a forty three mile journey in the shallowest water we have sailed in. Let's get
to it. The wind was steady at sixteen knots, occasional gusts to twenty. Depth
4.6 metres, I slowed to three knots until I got used to the shallow reading, as
it soon dropped to the 3 metre mark - over a flat seabed ???. The GPS screen above shows our whole course across the
middle of the bank, as shallow and north as we can go with our draught. Many
cruisers go miles further north so they don't have to go across the bank, we
wanted to give it a go.
Chuffed to bits I was, when a young osprey came right over our heads to check us out. He
did a couple of circles and went about his business
dropped from 3.9 to 2.9 metres, genoa out and off we zoomed, slowly we
got used to not worrying about the depth and went faster
The view was
spectacular. As the water got shallower the colour
just got more beautiful. Bear checked his water
maker was not pouring fresh water back into the sea. The last
picture is looking over the side, the dark bits are the bits we avoided as they
were coral heads. For as far as the eye could see there was nothing but water
the colour any posh hotel swimming pool would be proud of. The Emerald Effect is
a well known phenomena here, the clouds reflect the sea colour so their
undersides show a greenish tinge, not very visible at this distance, but we did
see it.
Meanwhile we had the troll
trugging along and caught these two chaps. Barracuda
get hoyed back I'm afraid (ciguatera risk and all).
This GPS
shot shows us when we were still in the four metre contour not far from
3. Under the keel in the next picture, showing 1.2 metres
below us. Our guide book said: If you see any dark patches by all means
steer round them. You can always find deeper water between them and plenty of
room to steer round them. Right. Right then. OK. When we entered the area
where the book says there are many coral heads we fell into a great
pattern. I stood up looking over the pram hood with my fingers on the auto helm
buttons (single degrees) and Bear sat looking at the depth gauge calling the
numbers. We only got a little taught below when he repeatedly said the
point four metres. We did several miles with me hearing point 5 .5 .5 .5 .4 .5 .5 .4 .6 .5 .4 .5 .6 .9
.8 .7. My fingers were like a concert pianist, but at
no point did we touch the bottom and our best
speed was six point six knots. As we approached Provo about six miles off we
suddenly hit very deep water. 2.2 metres. Wow.
ahead. But a huge surprise..............
JoJo. Is a
national treasure and will have his own blog. We had read about him and his
antics, preferring people to his own pod, but as he officially lives on the
other side of the island we didn't think it was him. Close up pictures and
checking later on-line, proved it was him. Amazing. JoJo tucked under the
starboard side, only coming up for air. He KNEW I wanted to take his picture, I
would gauge where he would surface, finger on the button, focus ready..........
No he would zig zag at the last second. Loads of pictures of bits of him, or
nothing, but I did get a few. He cruised at six and a half knots, slowing to
keep our pace when the genoa was wound in. As we came in to anchor he did a
quick once round us. Bear was stunned when JoJo went off to check the anchor,
gave Bear a look of satisfaction, came back to check that I had put the swim
ladder down and got the hoist ready to lower the outboard onto Baby
Beez and off he went. I normally do the engine hours, switch off the
engine, turn off the instruments after clearing the GPS course, ping the sat
phone which gets a new position fix on Mailasail, (so you all can see we have
arrived safely and the time we got there). Well. I only started those jobs
after JoJo had left. When the anchor has gone down, Bear puts on sail
covers, gets Baby Beez ready for launching by getting a rope ready for me
to winch wench her up (while Bear guides her over the edge of Beez and
pushes her away) as I lower the rope to settle her on the water beside us. Well
he admitted he did faffing about stuff
first as he watched in awe as JoJo had done
his checking and made sure Bear knew all was well.
We settled for a well earned
sundowner, tired and happy at a quarter to four. My eyes feel like squeaky
windscreen wipers after the long day watching for coral. Bear thinks a game
of Backgammon and an episode of Dexter after supper - as a full movie he may
snore through. We leave the last of this blog to our new friend