Day 9

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Thu 26 May 2011 22:51
Day Nine - Revisit to Hoople
I DID say that my last fishing episode with Big Bear was akin to spending a day with a six year old on his first fishing day out (are we there yet? where are we going next? can I have a drink? etc etc). Well today HE OUTDID HIMSELF IN SPADES. I had just hooked, struck, checked and turned. I saw Bear wind in, put his rod down and go for the landing net, all well until he stepped back - THEN - he slipped on a stone, spun NO PIROUETTED, tried to steady and step forward toward the bank - then he fell back, another step and now in waist deep water. I am now laughing so hard I cannot see my rod. I have shoved it between my legs to support it as I collapse over it laughing, where it was strategically positioned DID assist me not to wet myself. Result, I caught, he dripped and had to address his immediate problem - flooded welligogs. Am I calm.............. To add insult to injury I was in charge of drying Bear's socks, placed nicely on a warm rock. Bear with his quick dry leg bottoms - all going well until the second one fell in the water. Net result, I'm looking at someone fishing in very dodgy fashion indeed. Next the heavens opened full throttle. Oh the joys of my peaceful day slipping round the U-bend.
"I see no ships" - I see no bloody float
Spirits moist but intact, I catch my new PB to thirty pounds - CHUFFED
A tricky little sucker
Bear did good after his welligogs were dryish after a good internal patting with tissue. Bear weighed in with 10, 13.25, 13.5,14.75 and a 28 pounder. Me although disturbed with someone trying hard to DRAG me out of the ZONE - I managed a 14, 22.25, 22.5, 26, 27.5 and of course my thrilling 30 - sad this puts me a fair way ahead in numbers caught but a pound behind in the $100 bet for biggest.................. Must try harder. Grhhhhhhh. Sod Off.
At six it was back to base to see the boys loading for a late fish. We went to the corn bins to restock. Dry corn gets soaked to plump up ready for the boys and girls
Should the last picture go to the fashion aficionado or.......
Or to Team Millard showing my last fish caught at ten to six, (a 27.5lbs), Jason kindly took this shot. Days results Me 6. Bear 5. Tally Me 34 - new PB and Bear 24
                     WET BUT PEPE DID GOOD
                          RUN BEAR, RUN