A Busy Saturday

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sat 30 Sep 2017 22:57
A Busy Saturday with Bits and
![]() ![]() We got going at eight this morning,
always makes us laugh that as retirees days off have to be booked or else time
just trots along. Bhupat or Mr Rudder Man to me arrived at nine. He said the
rubber seal has gone and that Bear should ease it out with a screwdriver. He
suggested to get two made so if one ever leaked at sea we simply cut one out and
shove the second one into place. Bear would have looked as if he was having a doze in the office but for the blue air above his
head, so bad was the language. Well, its working blind
and doing everything by feel and having to work left-handed. When he
came out hands black to the wrist he had a serious report. The stainless steel rudder tube appears to to have severe
corrosion at the top – a bigger problem.
![]() ![]() ![]() I spent the morning stripping out,
cleaning, relining all my kitchen cupboards and making new labels for my storage
pots. After lunch and a savage five four backgammon loss I took myself out to
have a look at Izzy’s welding job. It has to be said
that a grand job has been done and Beez is not going anywhere in a hurry.
Totally safe and rock solid.
![]() ![]() ![]() Mr Razali came and took away our pram
hood, conservatory, cockpit bench seats, four little cushions and two fold flat
cockpit seats to be recovered. Beez looks very nude at the
rear end save for Bear’s shower towel. I’m left with enough sewing jobs
to keep me busy, my creative nemesis – the oil can covers, plus our two main
cockpit seats are to have new waterproof covers under new Sunbrella covers,
voile panels across the office and sea berth, new wood panels with material
covers for all the windows to name but a few things on my ever growing list.
Oooo I can add to that. Please keep them
secret for now. Hey, you should see my list, my lists
have lists.
![]() ![]() Did you see
the red and white tape around next door. Yes. Well they have now put up poison signs. Ooooo find out because if they are clearing cockroaches as we will
have to be vigilant. Very vigilent indeed, they only have to see the chaps’ hand
on the smoke bomb and they will make a run (flight) for it. After
much hand signals the chap had his fingers very close together. I checked the word semut on line and indeed they are
dealing with ants, that’s a relief.
![]() My next job was a very happy one, to
update the family photographs.
![]() ![]() We brought back eight cards of
paintings that my supremely talented Uncle Les had painted. Our favourite (the full size print is on Eva at the foot of
our bed) has now been framed with a little white card plus a red backing and
hangs, well Velcroed to the wall in our bedroom, so again we can wake and see
it. Our second favourite with the dragonflies in the yellow
lilies (the full size print is at the head of my side of the bed on Eva)
joined the collection on the back of the lounge door so I can see it when I’m
sitting in my place and another two in the sea berth that we can see every time
we pass by.
![]() A simple joy of moving undercover is
the shower block is just across the way instead of
two hundred and forty six strides away. Long may the simple things in life keep
us happy. After our showers I cooked Bear a seafood paella and we settled to do
the jigsaws (the crosswords from the Sunday papers) we had collected in the UK.
Somehow the day has flown and it’s already bedtime..........