Villa Week 26 - Front Bedroom

Week Twenty-Six at Sleeping Indian
Sunday the 13th of September. A sweet egg event for me but utter perfection once their hats were off. Bear appeared with the most impressive egg events, a joy to see. We watched an episode whilst we ate and then to work. Nary a ripple on the waterway this morning.
A quick look in the front garden, blessed with three blooms of hibiscus. We started in the front bedroom by having a major sort out – tools, sanders, bits and bobs up into the loft, we moved the big unit into place and covered it and the bed ‘pile’ with plastic. That done I started painting the most horrid of all the ceilings in the villa, I kept going as far as I could reach and then put the first coat on the walls. Bear took off the air con sensor and then did some filling and sanding. Rain on and off a very dreary late afternoon – no swim so we kept going. Showers at seven and supper in bed with the final two episodes of Paranoid.
Monday the 14th. I went back to the ceiling, Bear made a piece of wood to fill the gap below the air con, then filled and sanded. Once the ceiling was finished, I began the second coat on the walls, (it is lovely to work together in the same room and with some music on for a change) ‘happy worker’ fitted the USB plugs, simpler as wires were to hand so no fishing behind the wall necessary. My man made us lunch and we had a rest over a game of backgammon, three easy ends for me but the next thing we were four all, yes, but you snuck the win with far too many doubles. It was my turn, no it was not. Growling lots. Back to our jobs until half four then for a swim.
Tuesday the 15th. Shopping day as usual began with a bimble to the Commercial Centre to borrow Sharmone’s car, so odd to see the marina completely empty with so many boats on the hard. We followed a Police car for a while and giggled at Health and Safety at Work watching the ever alert policeman ‘perched in the back’.
We set off for the photo shop with a thumb drive and ordered 18 x 24 prints of three green pictures Bear chose from The Gambiers. Our first stop after the Galapagos, I remember coming up from my sleep to find Christmas trees on the islands I could see and there was I expecting palm trees, scantily clad islanders and heat, wow, was it cold. Our welcome was one of the warmest we ever had and the festivals were a real treat. On the day I took these pictures it spattered with rain but the dancers carried on with lovely smiles. The crowd were bunched up in jeans and anoraks but the whole thing was a huge success. The picture Bear chose for ‘The Pink Room’ is a favourite of ours. Niue (population 1,624), commonly known as ‘The Rock - the world’s largest purely coral islands and a happy, (smallest self-governing) State in free association with New Zealand. Another enormous welcome from super friendly people and another time of festivals. We went to a village to enjoy a day out with a carnival atmosphere, as expected and much looked forward to, on came the dancers. Ginormous men, pretty ladies and children with one tiny tot. She swung her hips with such vigour that her grass, waist-high lei slipped to the floor. This was the look she gave, I hoped she wouldn’t cry but seeing all the others carried on gyrating, she bobbed down, pulled up the errant garland and wiggled with the rest of them. She will always be remembered as The Little girl of Niue. To think she will now be nine years old now. The lovely lady in the photo shop rode the computer like a it was the simplest thing in the world to organise borders, check colour balance etc. and brightly told us they would be ready at three, she loved the story behind the picture. That done off to Bear’s favourite hardware store where he bought me new, white bi-fold cupboard doors to save me days and days sanding, priming and painting the old blue ones for the front bedroom (the old ones are going to form a screen to cover the ugly pipe works in the utility room). A few shops to gather pipe fittings, smooth grout and a new pop-up plug for the downstairs toilet, then back to the photo shop to find the charming (assistant) chap had framed all four pictures. We waited whilst he and the framing lady stuck paper backing sheets, hanging eyes and wires. All done and very chuffed we were. This week’s winner of The Berger Award for a brightly coloured house. You are with the trend, perhaps this year’s colour. A quick nip around the supermarket, back by five and off for a swim.
Wednesday the 16th. I started the day with my ‘favourite’ pole / roller combo, less mess on the floor but I was soon covered, love your beak. A ten-minute break saw me adding sticky pads to the newly arrived boys and girls – 192 of them to add to The Swarm.
Bear dealt with the switch wiring that soon became interesting. What he thought was the extractor fan in the bathroom turned out to be the loft light. Much head scratching. I was treated to my very own, personal firework display.... Bear said he felt a little exposed as I was rolled above his head but some teamwork is closer than others. Some great fireworks as he increased the hole to make room for a double switch.... Bear foxed me after lunch, I was four nil up and then came a ‘Fowey Comeback’ (that was the place it first happened), suddenly I lost five four..... Lot’s of growling. The afternoon passed quickly with me having to give up and face emptying the cupboard. Nothing for it but to pile it all in our room. Getting up the stepladder and boxing myself in was hot and humid work. Body paint splatters were soon joined by both lower arms. Well, you know they talk about elbow room, they are covered. Thank you for that. We managed to go for a swim at half five, I chose a fist-sized piece of coral and between us, I had a good rub down.
Thursday the 17th. Steady progress today began with Bear nipping off to get matching wall switches (we had one cream and one mucky beige), before he went he masked up for me to paint the skirting board and main door frame. When he got back he finished the sink by adding a ‘bendy’ pipe. Fantastic instructions especially when we read number six, what fun.
Together we put up the painting I modified and the ‘little girl’ up. Things are coming together. Time to set about the ‘ugly’, rough bit below the air con flue. Lunch and then I got revenge for yesterday with a five one win. Huh.
One final look at the old bi-folds. Once removed we could see where they had been painted blue in place as there were many marks of evidence. I actually heard Bear growl and mutter a few choice words. Well look, the lazy so-and-so who put the hanging rail up couldn’t be bothered with a screw in the middle so he shoved up gummy stuff. I noticed the tell-tail off-white line where the surrounds had been painted with the doors in place.....
I busied myself with paint splatters, old tile glue and unattached filler, ‘himself’ put up the left bi-fold it’s not that easy to smile with a screw in my mouth, oh get over it. Both tired, we spent time measuring and planning where the curtain tracks are going. Time for a dip. We have had a couple of spectacular sunsets and I really need one for the website, today I remembered to take the camera. Oh, just great a plonking great cloud......
......but the highest tide we have ever seen, the waves going a long way up the beach. Lots of back splashes and quite strong nonsense about my feet. Although the expected bad weather passed to the north of us it must have created some messy stuff out at sea. I spent some time, (first time in ages) wave watching. Waves meeting.
The waves caused a big sandy ‘cliff’ and landed loads of bits of sea grass on the beach, pretty patterns though. Friday the 18th. I had a really varied day – scraped tiles of old glue, grout and splodges of paint, painted some more skirting board, ironed and put up the left set of curtains, altered, hemmed and ironed the right window net, sprayed 303 waterproofing on our headboard and left it in the sun to dry, beat Bear five three at backgammon, growling loudly, went for a dip in a quite boisterous sea, showered, supper and an episode or two of Quantico.
Bear started by hanging the right bi-fold, altering and fitting, played with wiring in the loft to have separate switches for the light and expelair, made our lunch, helped me carry the headboard outside, put the fixings up for the heavy mirror, helped me by holding the net while I measured it, helped me put the left curtain up, washed the bin out as something had leaked, and ditto from shower.
Saturday the 19th. The day began with a nice, long video call from Miffy and then I had an idea. I ironed curtains, pinned, sewed and ironed the other net. Put the new front bedroom sheets and valances in to wash, pressing the latter and the pillowcases. Bear finished the switches to the bathroom and put the other curtain pole up, then he helped me put them up. He did some filling, sanding and tile repairs. The mirror didn’t look right white, so a quick message to Maj (Chris - her majesty) or now PDA (Personal Decorative Advisor). What about me spraying it pink ??? “It would have to be the same colour or it would clash” came the speedy reply. Old cloth, quick spray compared to cushion cover. “Looks like a good match” with a thumbs up sign. Ten minutes later – a cerise pink mirror. Wild – probably.
Bear put the bedroom door up and admired my feet. Makes a change from white. Late afternoon we had a lovely catch-up with Kate and Mark who sadly, is laid low with a trapped nerve Half five, rain, chippy and so we binned the idea of a dip and spent an hour tidying up a bit. Bold, bonny and definitely Caribbean. Showers and a great Indian take-away with more episodes of Quantico. We are both quite pleased with this week’s progress. To finish two more pictures from Thursday. ALL IN ALL A GOOD AND VARIED TIME ACCELERATED PROGRESS THIS WEEK |