Celebratory Lunch

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Tue 24 Apr 2012 22:57
A Celebratory Lunch and Lake
Worth Leaving Do
We had this view
for a couple of days. Meantime I sat with our old RV Wave (internet
aerial) tracking bear’s parcel. We bought a Wirie AP, a new internet booster,
posted to us in New York. It never worked properly so Bear finally sent it back
from Titusville. I shouted “Eureka” as the UPS email told me the package had
arrived at the marina. Off we went to visit Peanut Island followed by a post
run. The other thing to celebrate was the final episode to getting the air-con -
the one Bear ordered that blew hot air - finally the lady sent the correct UPS
label so it has finally been picked up from the marina in Titusville and now on
it’s way home. Thank you to Robert who allowed the staff to trip over it and
stuck the label on.
Well faced with ten dollars to put
Baby Beez on the marina dock or free if we had lunch in Tiki’s – no argument.
Yeeeee-Haaaaarrrrrrr, they sell Mudslide. However, my
joy and anticipation was short lived, there was something very wrong. Our
waiter, Jeff saw my bottom lip quiver and went to root around in the back of
Jeff heartily agreed a mudslide with
no mud is just wrong. He made me a smiley face with
the real deal – Hersheys Chocolate Sauce, then he coloured
it in.
I happily
mixed and enjoyed. My second was
On our way back to Beez we passed this
very busy looking Australian lady
Back to
Beez to get ready to leave on the morrow.