To Hole in the Wall

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Wed 20 Apr 2011 22:37
To Hole in the Wall
It seem the second I want to take a birds picture, it will immediately start to preen or get an itch, this heron sitting on a dredger line -  no different
Much as we could have stayed among the friendly people of Stuart, Florida. It was time to move on - I guess our livers are pleased with that plan.  We missed Uncle Dave as he is in New Jersey having recently lost his father-in-law, we do hope to see him when we get nearer. We cannot thank Dirty Al enough for all his kindness and hospitality.
We left at nine forty on a rising tide and it wasn't too long before we had left Manatee Pocket for the ICW, Chaps en route.
On we went, spending a peaceful thirty five miles in glorious sunshine, taking in the scenery and bridges.
A couple of interesting girls on the way
At this point the ICW was over four miles wide. We spotted many anchorages just off the main channel.
Perched on a mile marker, this chap was having a good scratch - just how far could he stretch his neck
It makes us laugh one minute looking at a sea bird, the next a land lover and back again
A regional meeting of allsorts
Our last wide expanse before the ICW narrowed to a medium river width  
 The Hole in the Wall, pretty houses to our right, mangroves away to our left
We literally pulled sixty feet off the main channel to anchor a little way from this pair of motor cruisers
A handsome chap did a couple of fly-bys
A family of dolphins came over to welcome us
A huge thrill when the national bird himself - the Bald Eagle - did just the one sweep past
If the children and grandchildren were here with us - this would be truly perfect