Second St Lucia

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Wed 17 Jun 2009 22:02
En route to Rodney Bay, St Lucia.
Grand Anse D'Arlet is a good looking anchored we passed about half an hour south of Fort de France. Bear was made to wear his knee brace, knee with a happy face now it is supported. Pointe Anse D'Arlet.
I now have the ultimate in head wear. Good to keep the sun off my beak and ready for any showers.
Diamond Rock off Pointe de Diamant.
Diamond Rock links the Battle of Trafalgar, Napoleon, Josephine, Villeneuve, Nelson and England.
In 1804, Napoleon was master of Europe, but the British still had naval supremacy and largely controlled the Caribbean waters. However, ships were scarce and some bright spark noticed Diamond Rock on the south coast of Martinique was just the place where the British would station another vessel if they had one, so they commissioned the rock as a ship. It was quite a feat to climb the steep, barren, snake-infested pinnacle and to equip it with canons and enough supplies and water for a full crew of 120 men. But they succeeded and for some eighteen months H.M.S. Diamond Rock was a highly unpleasant surprise for unsuspecting French ships sailing into Martinique. Napoleon was incensed; this after all, the birthplace of his beloved Josephine. Brilliant as he was on land, Napoleon never really understood his navy or its problems and considered his men to be shirkers. Consequently, he orderred them to sea under Admiral Villeneuve, to free the rock and destroy the British Admiral Horatio Nelson while they were at it. Villeneuve slipped out under the British blockade of France and headed straight for Martinique. Lord Nelson, with his battle-ready fleet, smelled blood and bounty and hurtled off from England in hot pursuit. However, poor information sent him on a wild goose chase to Trinidad, so Villeneuve was able to liberate the rock and return to France, prudently keeping well clear of Nelson.
Napoleon was none too pleased with Villeneuve because his actions had left the British fleet still in command of the high seas, so he was ordered to report in disgrace. Villeneuve preferred death to dishonour, so he put his ill-prepared fleet to sea to fight Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar. Ironically, Villeneuve who wished to die, survived the battle and Nelson died. Kismet or Kiss Me, Hardy. I still go for Kismet, Hardy.
Beez Neez at her best, nose up, nose down and thoroughly enjoying herself, us as well.
We had left Fort de France at 08:00 for the thirty two miles to Rodney Bay, thinking it would be a slog against the wind all the way. We were pleasantly surprised when we had done twenty three miles by midday. After all the rain in Martinique, we were moist to say the least. Just trotting in and out causes things indoors to get wet. Plan is to spend a couple of nights in the marina at Jolly Harbour to thoroughly dry out with electric fans and de-humidifyers.
The familiar sight of St Lucia, this time approaching from the north
The Landings looks as if more building work has been done.
Very few boats at anchor compared to before, I counted thirty, all but one to the right, all the quirky home builds, steel and odd shaped affairs. The house being built that we had admired in the marina now finished.