Apartment Life

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sun 11 Oct 2015 22:57
Apartment Life in Port Vila,
![]() First morning. I was silly when I suggested a brisk
start to today, first stop on the itinerary was the Information Centre in town,
then a bimble around the tour shops to see what was on offer. Keep in mind that
I had just had a really rough night. I kept thinking about Big Bear falling down
the hole and how lucky I was that someone had not knocked on the door to tell me
he had hurt himself / broken something or worse. Then the thought that he may
not have remembered our hotel name as he was whisked away in an ambulance and I
was still sitting blogging waiting for my crisps. Dramatic, no, I can’t stop
what I think in the middle of the night in a strange bed with different noises –
dogs barking, a mewling cat, a gentle snore and the fridge throwing itself into
life, I’m sure it wants to be a kango hammer in it’s next life.
To say I opened one eye and thought
if someone said “goodnight” I would have snapped the one eye shut, snuggled Beds
and gone soundo. My friend on the other hand had slept a dreamless sleep and
leapt up full of the joys of a man with no worries. Clacking dishes, he laid the
table, kettle on and fridge door opened and shut with fervour several
Cereal or
toast. I could barely move the roll neck jumper that thought it
might be my tongue. “A thup of thee wool bee goo.” OK
came the bright response but remember you
said bright and early start. I wished I could take back those words
and if I could find something to throw at the cheerful soul I would but that
would demand co-ordination and an ability to move with some sort of
Showing willing I stumbled out of bed and made it
to the bathroom. Spending a penny, as you do, by happenstance I glanced at my
watch and called “what time is it.” 8:32 came the strong, definite reply. “Are you sure”.
Absolutely, of course I’m sure, in fact positive, I set
my IPad time when I got here. Look at your watch Oooohhhh. I’ll give you Oh. It was seven thirty
two, the clock reset business must not have taken. The bloody Info shop didn’t
open for two hours. Have you ever seen anyone threaten to shove an Ultrabrite
toothpaste tube up someone’s nose with vim and vigour.
Bear has
Sit very silently Bear. Silently sooooooooo silently....................
![]() One morning I heard much splashing in
the pool, far too early for humanoids and far too cold in all honesty. I went to
investigate and found it was a kingfisher who had
just finished his bath. Didn’t expect that so close to town. Hope he comes
![]() Wednesday. After an email of gentle
reminder, the lovely ladies at the marina sent through our ‘get back into Fiji letter’, with no outbound airline ticket
we knew we wouldn’t get back in without it. Love the fact that we are not to be
‘hindered’. Took it on a memory stick to Bon Marche and the nice lady printed it
out. Never had a carrier bag with a single sheet of paper in it
![]() Friday. As you all know dear readers
Bear pokes thyroxine in my mouth first thing in the morning and hands me my
bigger tablet to take with juice. I was allowed to be in charge of my spin haler
on holiday, as all I have to do is poke a capsule in a small hole, twist and
suck. Take it to pieces and throw the empty bits of plastic away, job done. This
morning things didn’t go to plan. I took my tablet with juice, looked down to
find I had swallowed my spin haler capsule and do you think I could get my
tablet ........... .........won’t spin. You’re definitely not to be trusted and I’ll put you on a
Supervision Order from now on......... Yes dear.
One morning Bear was rooting around in the fridge
as the wont sometimes takes him. I’ve found a tomato in
the top thingy in the fridge has frozen. No problem I reply cheerily
I’ll chop it up and fry it with your steak tonight. OK.
Later that evening. Pass me the frozen tomato.
Arrrrrr, it’s a hard boiled egg. Oh. Guess
who had been rummaging in the picnic making bag................ Oh.......... can I have Brussels sprouts then.
Have you
ever seen anyone hurl a packet of the little
green devils wishing them to be weapons-grade. Silly me, they are weapons-grade
in their effect................I’ll leave it there.
![]() ![]() Cockroaches. As you all know the number one
most loathed creature for any yachty is the armour-plated, not-pretty,
risk-of-multiplying-out-of-hand, scratching, sawing, scurrying creature. Do they
have a purpose on the planet ??? To keep you on your
toes. Steady. Anyhoo. I got up for some juice in the pitch black and
put the bathroom light on so as to see the kitchen sink, thoughtfully I thought
for my sleeping friend. Lot of good that did as it
happens. Well colour me alarmed. There was a four incher sitting
looking at me from the top of the door. All hell broke loose. I went for the
spray can – well remembered in the packing I now think. Squirt. Squirt. It looks
at me and asks if that’s all I have. Next came the piece of kitchen roll and
more squirting. Finally, once on it’s back it looked more humble and even more
so when it was shut in a carrier bag, knotted and then jumped on.
The next night a three incher. There
has to be a nest. That’s it. Oh Lord. I go
all round the apartment looking for holes, hidey or not. Finally, I see a gap at
the bottom of the door frame in the bathroom. Quick squirt up the hole and OH MY
THERE IS TWELVE OF THEM, three inchers and a couple of fours. Help Bear.
I wouldn’t mind but I was soundo, silly me, it is four
o’clock in the morning. Just get armed with kitchen roll and catch
what comes your way and throw them in the toilet. What’s
that, Oh you’ll have to put your glasses on I need you at your best.
Bear did as he was asked as a fairly large centipede decided he didn’t like the
squirt that had gone up the hole..............
Mission complete for tonight.
Please don’t tell me there is going to be a repeat
performance. Yes. Grief. Look we
cannot risk taking any freeloaders back to Beez and definitely no eggs on
anything. Ohhhhhhhhhh bit and teeth springs to mind.
it’s only two hours until the bloke next door is up clacking around in his
hobnail boots. The building is known as an economical
long-let and the chap next door is a builder who leaves for work at
six. Yes, thank you and Goodnight.
![]() ![]() Every time it rained and boy, could
it rain, the entire lot ran down to our corner of the building. There was no
downpipe so within minutes of the heavens opening bucketfuls shot out the end of
the guttering straight onto the tiles making a terrible racket. No problem, put
one of the patio chairs underneath to numb the noise
down. How many times do you think I had to get out of bed to put it back under
??? The pleasure of the heaviest downpours was it meant the local dogs
went under shelter and didn’t bark all night. If I lived here I would have to
take it upon myself to do something about the homeless canine brigades. We see
so many dogs during the day having stones thrown at them by householders trying
to move them on.
![]() ![]() Fortunately the night prowling only
happened during the first week, the sticky houses we
bought only managed a chap who measured in at a measly half inch. The important
thing though, we didn’t take any home with us. We did take one or two ants and
everything had to be shaken to within an inch of its life before going away. We
did leave the ant hotels behind.
No sooner than we had got in through the door
that very first time, than we saw a thousand teeny weeny ants on the march. They
will have to be dealt with immediately. Find the super highway and zap it.
It’s been
entertaining if nothing else watching the person and the small creatures at
![]() Ruth, our
lovely lady who did. Working here until her old job comes back into being. She
looks after a super yacht currently away having damage repairs done. But, top
prize and coloured me ever so happy was our egg