
Sprouts – Thank Heavens
![]() Sprouts – a
major coup, but that was later in the day.
![]() ![]() ![]() Bear was up at the crack of sparrows.
I emerged at a quarter past eight, pre-cave, to find all
ready for Rob to arrive with the new, replacement senders – the things
that will tell us how full or empty the water tanks are. I bimbled back to set
the bed up with photocopier, paper and ‘stuff’, no sooner than I was settled in
the cave than I found myself shut in. Oh. Later on I heard an accent I recall
partly with fondness and partly with horror. Mark has been in New Zealand for
some eleven years but has lost non of his Kent accent, originally from Bexley,
we reminisced about the places we had in common. We all laughed when Bear got
the “hoover” as his children asked what that was the first time he said that at
home. My temporary cave escape was called to a halt. The boys wanted to get on
and once again I was shut in. During the day I watched a documentary narrated by
Joachin Phoenix called Earthlings.
Earthlings includes footage obtained through the use of hidden cameras to chronicle the day-to-day practices of some of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely on animals. It draws parallels between racism, sexism, and speciesism. I have to say it is without doubt the most powerful piece I have ever seen. I was supposed to be typing but found myself frequently watching open mouthed. Every time Bear popped through to get tools from his potting shed, he too stopped in his tracks and said Oh. Joaquin Phoenix commented on the documentary, "Of all the films I have ever made, this is the one that gets people talking the most. For every one person who sees Earthlings, they will tell three." Philosopher Tom Regan remarked, "For those who watch Earthlings, the world will never be the same." Made in 2006, sadly not too much has changed. I for one have to admit to being a meat and fish eater. In 2011, a diamond Birkin handbag sold for $203,150 in a Heritage Luxury Accessories auction in Dallas. Mmmm.
I emerged this afternoon to find Bear elated and the lounge didn’t look too bad. Bear was just finishing, he had to adjust the woodwork so the seat bases would fit and he was wearing a big cheesy grin - the first time in four years we will know our water levels. Flushed with his success and tools packed away, he asked if I would like a ride to Kawakawa, he needed to go to the boys shop. No, I’m going to brace myself for an outing to the laundry tomorrow – excuse for not going today – no two dollar pieces. Back I went to my cave. On his return, Bear asked me to close my eyes and put my hands out, marvellous, a surprise. I didn’t expect to feel freezing cold land on my hands, but how delighted I was to open my eyes and find a packet of sprouts.......THANK THE LORD. You have no idea dear reader just what a coup this is. Last Christmas as you may remember there were no sprouts. The guilt, the heaving guilt. At least weekly, sometimes more often, I have heard how it must never happen again. It’s just not right, it’s just not Christmas without sprouts. To the point I felt physical harm would negate the need for himself needing to chew this Yuletide as only a liquefied supplement sucked up a straw due to the severity of the injury I would have to mete out on the certain someone's jaw – breathe...........Well I. Ssshh. I felt I had made amends with the amount I served this green delight to the skipper away in Mabel. I had indeed hatched a very cunning plan, so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel. I would buy a bag full of sprouts, parboil them and ask Jane in the office to keep them in her freezer until her last working day before the festive holiday. DAMNATION. Our last shopping trip in Mabel – none of the devils testicles to be found anywhere. On our afternoon out last week in Mrs Puki Bear went to the specialist veg shop to ask, back he came so very glum. Season all over three weeks ago. Oh no, the shame, the fear of being nagged for another fourteen months. They have never heard of tinned sprouts here in New Zealand. Alas, woe is me, lackaday, lackaday, gnashing of teeth, I may have to wear a hair shirt. So now you can feel the relief, the thrill, the pleasure, the pure-unadulterated-sheer-ecstasy of seeing that bag of small frozen, green balls, indeed I feel such a deep sense of relief. If my children and grandchildren were here I know that it would be the best Christmas ever. I’ll leave you with the look of triumph.