Day 9 to St Helena

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Wed 5 Feb 2020 06:00
S 3:08.41 E
Day Nine to St
![]() At ten I got up to a beautifully
sunny day on a flat, calm sea. Top wind speed three
knots, so we have to admit to continue motoring. Oh well, it is rather lovely.
Cannot believe we are in the middle of an ocean.
The only slight unpleasantness is a
lingering aroma of Bear’s over-ripe, second to last banana mixed with a titsy
bit of diesel fume hanging in the air. Preparing his muesli, I dilly-dallied
adding the spoonful of Trill and then again over the pawpaw. Then I had to brace myself to........ handle the bladdery
thing...... OOO look the other way. As I peeled I had to choke back memories of
childhood, when my dad ate his purposely created over-ripe, sliced on
Cornflakes, milk added and left for up to twenty minutes until so soggy I had to
fight not to calk. “No, I’m not hungry, just tea please, need to get ready for
the day” excusing myself from the table to get busy. So many times I had to
think up something, to this day I can only eat a just beyond green banana. This
is nearly as bad as the fight between my father and grandfather as to who got
the skin off the custard. That layer on the top of a heavenly pleasure could
trot a fox, sometimes Fred and Ginger could have danced across with barely a
dint. Once served, whoever had won, always spooned up and a dangly bit was
sucked in as if it was an errant piece of spaghetti. Scarred, scarred I am,
scarred I tell you. Back to the last twenty-four hours before more memories slip
their closely secured and guarded box.
12:15 and we gave up with the two
knot speed in four knots of wind so, on went the engine.
Bear enjoyed tuna pasta bake, side
salad and a glass of red, so pleased you don’t like red,
such a guilty pleasure. You are quite welcome, Sir. I had tuna salad
and lots of little silverskin onions as my treat.
![]() ![]() Today’s Happy
Pictures, don’t know somtimes whether to kiss or slap such a peaceful
Five four to me at backgammon after
being at four all, I took a risky strategy. Bear was in the lead, I kept taking
two of his men (ones coming out of my home), he kept taking me off over the
other side and eventually I had enough men in his home to launch an attack.
Luck was on your side. It was all or nothing
and I simply didn’t want to lose – again.
![]() Sunset to our
![]() On the right the
moon getting ready for the night ahead,
brighter by the day.
![]() After the sun had dipped below the
horizon I had this orange glow for about twenty-five
The rest of
the day was very pleasant. At 22:00 I took us through the thousand mile mark.
YEHAA. YAY, such a shame the Indian Ocean
couldn’t have been like this.
At six
this morning we had covered 110.3 nmiles. Ooooo really heavy rain for an
Total completed 1046
nauttical miles.
??? |