Back to Beez

Back to Beez Neez
We had a morning of getting ready for
the off followed by family lunch at the Bull and Dragon. The
Tinson Boys – Geoff (Roger’s big brother), Roger, Jack and Mark were on
fine form. Just before we left I had to get Roger back – yet again for being
lippy – this time with a kiss to the forehead, pity
it’s not permanent..............
Time to go. Bear managed to say farewell and ducked very quickly into the car leaving me to it. I asked him later – I had to go there and then, at speed, my throat was closing over the massive lump and I felt I was going to lose it completely. Can’t disagree with that. I barely made it as Kate’s tears began to fall. I felt a mess coming on, I feel it as I type this. I made it to the car as big dollops of tears began to fall. Bear never comments, just the odd pat on the knee. Chest pain and wracking sobs for many miles this time all the way to Exeter. Bird rang and got me the next twenty miles or so, but I just managed to close the phone and started all over again. More knee patting. We had left North Devon at three forty five and spent a very wet five hours getting to Chez Team Tinson in Swindon. The Bank Monday Holiday traffic was heavy but at least it kept moving. It was odd to stay overnight on our own as Mark, Kate and Jack were driving up the next morning. After the last last five weeks constantly being with friends and family we felt very strangely all alone.
Key under the bin and off to Heathrow
by seven, although the traffic was predictably heavy, the M4 kept moving, which
had been a worry as Sally Traffic’s stand in had said the northbound M25 was
closed and stacking was predicted along the M4. OH.
We arrived at the airport, hire car
back safely with 1067.1 miles added to the 7 it had when we picked it up and
looked forward (not) to check in.
Last September we had the check in
lady from hell. She wanted to weigh everything to the last ounce, including
Bear’s back sack, “TUT TUT, put the extra few pounds in one of your FOUR heavy
cases, lucky I don’t charge you extra”. At this point I was glad she hadn’t seen
my camera-Pelican case. Technically hand luggage has a six kilo limit. Well I
know it’s a heavy case and full of camera stuff but it does
weigh in at a hefty fifteen kilos. Now camera stuff should be classed as a
separate entity but with this dragon anything could have happened. I always have
to ask Bear to swing it in the stowage locker above our seats looking as though
it is as light as a feather – no grunting Bear – Yes
dear. I managed to keep it secret.
Back to my new friend (of last
September) “did we pack our own bags”, “ESTA or Visa”, “why do you have a Visa”,
“how long are you staying in America” it went on and on and by the time we had
our boarding passes wedged tightly in our mitts we felt a stiff sherbet was
needed. Put me right off my Boston. Blimey, must be bad (see below to find about the
delights of a Boston).
Have you ever seen anyone swing a
very large packet of duty free peanut M+M’s with such savagery
Bear has. See panic on several
security men's faces as they think a potential passenger is having a psychotic
Hush Bear, Hush.
Couldn’t resist this advertisement we saw en route back to Beez
Continued from September. We boarded
the plane and sat for three quarters of an hour, Bear dehydrating and beginning
to tick like a clock, unusual for him. Flight OK with poor food and movies.
Landing we queued for a third generation Chinese/American Immigration man. “Why
do you have a Visa”, “How long are you planning to stay in America”, Oh he must
be the best friend of the woman in Heathrow. We failed to make this Numpty
understand that Beez is good for five knots on the ICW and it did take a while
to get anywhere. He refused to stamp us and we had to go to the ‘Naughty Queue’.
Waiting there for two hours with clearly dodgy people left us feeling very low.
Eventually Bear was called forward
and he patiently explained what our circumnavigation was all about. “How much
credit do you have on your Visa card”. To cut a long story short the chap in the
next booth asked his mate “Do they have lots of weird and wonderful stamps in
their Passports”. “Yes”. “Let them in”.
Well that really made our fellow
cross. “Don’t think if you leave again you’ll get back in and
certainly don’t think you’ll get six months”.
Todays experience.
Our ground staff lady is marvelous, no questions, checked in with Bear getting
his docking gadget handle on free as a fishing rod, flight on time, took off
with good food, nice crew, good movies, ice lolly and landing on time after nine
We wander toward Immigration my
indigestion forming a painful band around my heart. A pleasant older man
originally from Queen’s wearing a loud and lovely uniform shirt asked us to wait
for Number 5.
I pushed Bear forward to be the
spokesperson, well he is the Captain. A bored and tired young man took our
finger prints and face picture – stamped us in, FOR SIX MONTHS. No questions at all.
I chunter through the miles of moving
walkways. I arrive suspiciously in baggage reclaim to see all four cases lined
up beside the carousel. Hang on, no docking pole – Bear trotted to the desk and
came back gleefully just a couple of minutes later.
Customs queue. Surely this will be my
downfall and my OXO cubes will end up in a sadly overstuffed bin. No – “Have a
nice day”.
The hire car we arranged a price on
before we left. “All ready sir, have a nice day”.
We had landed at ten past four in the
afternoon and pulled out of the airport into the sunshine and a very pleasing 26
degree heat at half past five.
Beez will have come to harm. Must
stop for a KFC to gain bravery.
Beez Neez looks resplendent, Terry
next door and the dock boys have done us proud.
Twenty one hours door to door without
nary a splinter just a shocking, pounding headache. Our bed never felt so
576 Oxo
Cubes of which 144 are Chicken Flavour the rest are Beef – transported in
a plastic shoe box
Had our bags been rummaged through,
here is the small list facing the man wearing the blue rubber gloves.
There are one or two items in the
‘Bear Potting Shed Department’ – including a new metal tool box, new jig-saw,
barometer, toilet brushes, replacement toaster (Bear insisted upon having – last
one given away – he’s still ticking about that), new knickers (no wonder we were slightly overweight – Steady) and
the one or two items planned to last us until Australia:-
4 bags of Maynards Sports
3 bags of Maynards Midget
2 Beef Gravy Granules – 500
3 Beef Gravy Granules – 170
2 Chicken Gravy Granules – 300
5 Hot Chocolate Instant
4 Horlicks Instant Mix
4 Salad Cream – 600
4 Salad Cream – 550
2 Colmans Mustard Powder Mix – 57
grams. An oldie but a goodie. The stuff we can buy is far too mild for a man of
Bear’s col-i-ber
4 Branston Pickle Small Chunk – 350
2 Sharwoods Mango Chutney – 530
8 Uncle Bens Instant Rice – Family
sized. Used for padding Bear’s tools and bits he felt the need to
After attacking the cases, time to go shopping. As we have little time left in the USA we felt the need to ‘Do It Big’ and buy a celebratory box of Bostons. Doughnut Heaven.
“Are you doing a Roger impression” No. Well wash your face before taking the hire car back. Yes, I know the facial hair needs attention – on the to do list. Even our
mate was on hand with a cheesy welcome