OCC Meeting

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Fri 28 Nov 2014 23:57
Ocean Cruising Club House Meeting
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Chris and Steve, Scott-Free arrived at Beez Neez and stealthily coped with the ladder. Chris promptly engineered a delicious looking guacamole dip and off we went up the hill to the home of Nina and Tony, Port Officers for the Ocean Cruising Club. The first time we had managed a meeting anywhere, up until now we have never been in the right place at the right time.
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I stood and admired the view across to the sea a long way off. Meantime, more people were arriving with eats.
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The good-sized crowd had all signed the register and then we were called for a Special Presentation to Laura Dekker. Much has been written about this remarkable young lady, the youngest to circumnavigate the globe. Sadly, she had to endure ten months of Dutch court hearings trying to stop her ever setting out. Born in Whangarei during her parents sailing adventure, she has now made the Town Basin her home. She gives inspirational talks, does the odd delivery and her book came out just a few weeks ago.
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The OCC founding fathers son presented Laura with the OCC Award of Merit, sadly spelling her surname incorrectly. Nevertheless Laura accepted with grace and gave a heartfelt speech of thanks and a little about her adventure.
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We mustered outside for a photograph, then set about a libation or two, gathered a plate of food and mingled with the interesting and like-minded sailing community, many from the UK, some we had met en route but most new to us. We bade our ‘thank yous’ to our hosts and repaired to Beez for a night cap or three.
The evening was made special by meeting Laura.
                     LOVELY TO SPEAK TO LAURA