Varnishing Proceeds

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Mon 27 Jan 2014 23:57
Varnishing Proceeds............Not in a Rush it
Seems ![]() Bear has become quite the little shopper
since I have had the varnishing bug. Well, I’d like to say I’m ready to varnish,
but much more trotting around on my sander has to occur yet..... Meanwhile, off
the skipper goes, no list necessary, he actually knows what we need, wow, and he
has now been entrusted with being able to choose chops, mince and
sausages...........Off his own noggin, he managed to bring home corn on the cob
for supper and individual meat pies for lunch, very impressed am I. Poor Baby Beez looks very dirty below. As soon as Beez gets
hauled on the 30th, our trusty little steed will be off for a holiday with the
restorer. The two slashes she got dealt - by a machete - for
Roatan that Bear spent a day repairing, have just begun to leak, so into
professional hands she will be delivered.
![]() ![]() I don’t like Ricicles because they’re too
sweet, hate all the sugar falling to the bottom of a bowl of Rice Krispies – so
mix half a box of Cocoa Pops with half a box of Rice
Krispies in the big wok and hey presto........... A really silly but very
satisfying job to see to completion. Flushed with that success, it was time to
‘do a batch for Bear’. I buy him the crispy, lumpy muesli that he likes and buy
loads of different fruits to mix in. My cereal now decanted into my storage box,
I empty his mango slices and dried apricots into the wok and set about them with
my trusty kitchen scissors. Now all a uniform size, with the captain watching on
all agog, pepitas, cranberries, goji and craisins (in fact, whatever I can get
hold of and when I can get hold of it – here the choice is massive) are swished
in. Fruit storage pot filled. Muesli mixed into the
fruit left in the wok and poured into Bears storage facility. OK, I’ve had my
satisfying delay from sanding, must get back to the job in hand.
Life is still very much covered in dust and we have to watch where we step. The plan is to sand the ‘liftable’ bits of floor, prepare it all and alternate by day the varnishing; one day we walk on inner areas, the next the outers, simple. No guesses that we both wandered in the dark down the gaps the first night I got the ball rolling...... .
The girl looks very bare indeed, we took the ceiling panels down to check for any leak damage, varnish the strips between and give them a good scrub. No leaks and no unwanted creatures – very good news. ![]() ![]() ![]() Slowly, dare I say it, evidence of progress. How daft am I, I think it best to keep particularly silent at this
point, steady, I’m locked and
loaded....... anywhooooooo, picture this. Person sanding away, quite
destructively with an iron-shaped sander, presses the off button, continues to
look at subject feeling work with free hand, other hand puts sander on leg
forgetting that the damn thing keeps sanding for a couple of seconds. Sander
loaded with sixty paper – how may times did I repeat the process ??? I remain silent here as well. All I can say is, my
knees fully understand what dermabrasion really is. Knees now quite sore, note
to self = don’t do it again..... You numpty. We are
talking about my reticular dermis now, I’ll have you know. Whatever, you numpty.
Have you ever seen anyone wield a Black
and Decker with such force.
Bear has
Scarper Bear, Scarper
![]() For Christmas I bought Bear two seasons of
The Closer, he enjoyed them so much and clearly wanted more. I thought I would
test the system here in New Zealand and went on line, found season three to the
final number seven on a website of a happily named company - Mighty Ape in Auckland. I ordered series three and four,
paid by PayPal, within minutes I received an email saying my purchases had begun
their journey. Bear picked them up from the marina office the very next morning
– impressed or what........haven’t had this happen for over two
![]() My new hat.
![]() Well finally, a title. A
break from Beez meant a trip to the marina laundry, there I was sitting minding
my own business. Bear had left me with his IPod and I was happily attempting to
play microscopic patience. A man came racing in and asked “are you the manager”,
finally I find my place in life. At least he used the
word manager. Mmmmm.
![]() We have had the strangest
weather. Last weekend we were bounced about in forty three knot gusts. Keeps the
wind generator very busy. Rain, keeps our tanks topped up with the skippers new
collection device. One day so muggy. One day hot. One day really cold and dark. One day the temperature was thirty six
degrees for a few hours.
![]() Anthony (Wild Fox) emailed
this picture to us – “a boat
with a very silly name has arrived in our