Florry Tour

Our Inland Look at
We met the ‘bus’ (well a sturdily
converted truck) at the bottom of ‘town’ and we headed up the main road. Our driver had charged us five dollars and
we thought – bargain.
The variety of trees, plants and grasses was incredible, sadly not many flowering plants so a distinct lack of our favourite hummingbirds.
After fifteen minutes our driver took the bold decision to change from first to second and another five minutes he stopped, pointed out a path to follow and said he would be back for us at half past four.
Initially we were in a small wooded area, I was in my element – hey, he makes a change from sea lions.
Finches were chirping all round us.
At the end of the path we climbed steps over a wall and soon realised we were in the tortoise reintroduction area of the island. They were extinct here for many, many years and it was great to see bear launch himself into the serious task of ‘tortoise whispering’ - a true talent. On second thoughts he left the last chap be as he couldn’t have got slower for his photographic opportunity. We found about a dozen as we wandered past their feeding stations and bathing pools. Now come to think of it this could be the best post sailing hobby for the captain. I’d rather see him in a pair of wellies rinsing out the tortoise bath than wearing an orange pinny in B&Q. Only if its hot and I have an endless supply of Cerveza........................Mmmmmmmmmmmm.
Next we went through a gate and saw the only fresh water supply on the island, other than rain water. This permanent, little trickle manages to supply the town, somehow. The two inch B&Q pipe on the right is the towns supply pipe. Mmmmm are we back to the orange pinny again ??? At the moment the tortoise whispering is the firm favourite. OK.
Then we were at the top of a crest and saw a carving very much in the style of those seen on Easter Island. Don’t be a grot Bear, well the last time I did it was up the nose of the Statue of Liberty. Pose nicely. Yes, Dear.
We tested out the caves that pirates and the Wittmer family once called home
Here we could take in the view.
Time to wander back to the bus. We were joined by happy, hard working locals returning home – tired.
On first glance you could be mistaken
in thinking this is a big garden shed. Looking through the window you will see a
fridge. Home Sweet Home.
We bade farewell to the locals, the two dogs and the driver and
walked toward the jetty. Bear noticed the tree
we had first seen in Barbados. Of the seedpod that fell on my head and nearly stopped my
sailing At-Venture permanently. So
pleased you are being brave................
Did we enjoy
seeing two pigs, five cows, a couple of hilltops, loads of trees and plants, a
few houses and a few bits and bobs. Absolutely wouldn’t have missed