En Route to Lumbini

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Tue 10 Apr 2018 22:47
En Route to Lumbini – The Road IS Hell to a Building Site, Temples and Mosquitos
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 I was so excited when I looked out of our window after breakfast to see a 4x4 sitting in the drive. No that lives here, oh, and then a small car appeared. Once our bags were settled Ishwor (out host) performed a traditional ‘farewell’ on Bear and me.
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Formalities and pictures done, we bade fond farewells to Ishwor and his family. Beds settled in the back with his lunch and off we went at ten o’clock.
We set off far too quickly down the steep, unmade bit, our driver not taking into account our luggage and us. We hit a big stone and a terrible noise beneath made us think this was going to be an arduous journey. We made it to the bottom and up a steep sealed road and eventually to the edge of Pokhara.
Plenty of terracing and the hint of hillside scenery but I was struggling to keep the camera still.
Some time later our driver must have taken pity on the camera keep clonking the window and we stopped at Donkey Lookout.
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We took in the views left, right, a terraced village and after a precious few minutes we were heading back to the Kia.
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One final look at the view and a shrug of resignation at the road ahead.
All too soon the road became a ‘work on progress’.
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When we overtook the coach in the first picture on a blind bend, horn blaring, it was only by the Grace of God that the lorry coming the other way managed to stop just in front of us as we skidded to a halt on the shale (this was not to be the last such experience). New cement gave way to more clay with stones ready to be size sorted.
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The odd view, once carefully owned villages and puddles the size of small ponds became the norm.
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A town but no change in the road condition but this time with silver bunting.
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Playing chicken with a bus. Guess who had to stand on the brake and send me flying into the back of Bear’s seat. People still went about their business.
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The worst bit but it was nice to see an old Singer at work.
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Once more in the countryside.
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Man with new table, perfectly hand-graded stones to yet another sharp end.
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Promising start to a town, then we blinked to more mud, oh and a resting JCB.
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Amazing how many times we could see across a valley to the road we had been on or the road we had to get to several miles away. This motorbike didn’t have a good day.
Right on a narrow corner, soon after yet another experience of seeing an oncoming lorries eyelashes, these ladies were sorting out their wheat crop.
All getting very tedious now as we bumped through yet another town.
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A lovely valley and another long road ahead.
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Well hurrah, we stopped at the Ramdi Angara Hotel at Syangja for lunch. A welcome sight was a little lady sitting on her nest.
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Opposite was a nest with four contented chicks, a flurry of activity when mum dropped in.
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A very forlorn looking cow with a dodgy hip on the opposite side of the road, saw me taking her my apple core to make a small change from trying to chew the very dry leaves, I felt guilty I didn’t give her my whole apple. We watched some monkeys being chased away by a dog as a man appeared on his bike sporting a fitted washing line........
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As soon as we got going again we crossed the Kaligandaki Bridge. After so many dry beds it was nice to see a bit of a river.
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Although our spleens ached we took comfort that we could have not only been on a bus but the journey would have been a few hours longer. So sad, in all this beautiful countryside we kept seeing piles of rubbish and many waterfalls of plastic where villagers continually tip in the same place, straight into the valley below.
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Smooth mud made a nice change, but it’s clearly been like it for ages as even the workman’s shed look old.
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A final mountain scene and village that also used one place to tip their rubbish (just beyond this picture) before we descended to the flat plain before Lumbini.
To Lumbini
This one hundred and five mile journey felt like many, many more, and after six hours we still had another bone shaking hour before we got to our digs........