To Moorea

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sun 25 Aug 2013 22:57
To Cook’s Bay, Moorea, Society Islands, French Polynesia
BB To Moorea 003
So we finally say farewell to Tahiti, leave the mooring ball at nearly eleven, feeling not a breath of wind. The weekend party boats were out in their number which made for a lovely sight.
BF To Moorea 002
This beauty has her own coconut tree.
BB To Moorea 006
The channel through the reef.
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Looking back at the mooring field.
BF To Moorea 010
To our left.
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BF To Moorea 005
To our right, surf breaks over the coral.
BF To Moorea 015
A chap bids us farewell.
BB To Moorea 009
Clear of the reef the wind is all of five knots and the sea looks like a duck pond, motoring then....
BB To Moorea 011
Moorea getting closer.
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Beez just about to turn left on the map.....
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...........which means the gap between the hills.
Ariel of Moorea
An aerial view of Moorea.
BF To Moorea 027  BF To Moorea 019
Catamarans at anchor just outside the entrance on our left and to our right people cooling off in the shallow water.
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A modest house until you see it’s half way up a steep hill.
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The Bay, we see four masts and take in the impressive view.
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BF To Moorea 033  BF To Moorea 034
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BB To Moorea 037
One of the most beautiful bays we have seen.
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Nearing the anchorage we see Alexes.
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The guide book said to head for the church, there are two as next door neighbours.
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As we anchor we look up to see this house right at the top, what a view they must have.
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Settled, Dave and Jenny come over, it’s after three, must be beer o’clock then.
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                      STUNNING AND VERY QUIET