Hot beach

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Mon 23 Mar 2009 23:35
Slaving over a hot beach - just another week in paradise.

Where did this week go ??? Only yesterday it seems I was writing about being at Big Papas for the BBQ than we were there again a full week later. The BBQ proceeds go to support of P.A.Y.S - Portsmouth Association of Yacht Security, we saw in action this week with regard Beez Neez. On Saturday the beach sees many of the locals out for the day, school children enjoying the weekend - two girls swam out to Beez Neez and saw her stern platform as a good place to take a rest - within minutes one of the patrol lads went over and took the girls in his boat. He had been on his way to welcome in a super yacht, so the girls got a fast ride, thoroughly enjoying themselves. We were sitting on the beach watching, pleased to have seen PAYS in action, but we believed Beez Neez was in no real danger.




Never quite sure what we will see next, a floating dock pulled by a tug, minced its way through the anchored yachts and was tied to the shore by Cubrits National Park.




Me getting over this weeks surprises. Chickens on the beach, one even trying out a surf board. Olive Grace one of the wrecks being pumped out. But a COW on a BEACH ???




There is a crab in the first picture, honest. Bear having a nice chat with a chap who had returned to his homeland three years ago after being on St Martin since 1976. I was off hunting sand crab again.

Maybe it‘s because we have been here awhile and people recognise us - but this week loads of locals have come over for a chat. Bear went off for water and a chap came to chat - that was OK but when he touched my right thigh tattoo I thought J.C., our mate, was going to verbally rip his head off. When another came near for a chat he didn’t get within ten feet, for my hero “headed him off at the pass“. When Bear returned I got him to buy JC a beer and “thank you for defending my wife”.





This beautiful five-masted cruise ship was a day visitor this week, as she left we watched her in-mast sails slowly appear.




We had a sandwich at The Purple Turtle , followed by a glass of wine back on the beach, A nice view of Ian and his bangs or dreads. Me in 'hunting position'





After my hero and his Tarzan impression, he went soundo and I went back to crab hunting.


Never too old to get done, in a nice way. A fairly poor artist came to sell us a card with a badly drawn powerboat on it, we said sail - he trotted back soon with an equally badly drawn yacht. He had also said he had ripe mangos “how much” . “Well there are not big, so, seventy five cents each. “OK “ says I, “I’ll have six”. Feeling kindly I asked Bear to give me a five East Caribbean Dollar - £1.25 as he could buy a good meal and a juice. He wandered over the road, started chucking a stick up into the branches, cursing, shouting and swearing. After ten minutes he trotted back with the said six small, but fresh mangos. I noticed one had been started by flies, with that he said “s - - t”, picked it up and ate it. RESULT = five very small mangos at 1 EC$ each or 25p, compared to the UK I guess inexpensive, but still…………….




I do get some luck, this chap didn't know I was behind him, the next one scooted down his hole too quick for me. My usual view is staring at the holes.



But sometimes the wait is well worth it.


Another time I was studying crab holes for photo opportunities when a chap came over for a “chat”, after offering me a tour of the Picard River for a hundred EC$ or £25 it soon became clear I knew more about Dominica than he did. After outstaying his welcome with both of us, he came back to ask me if he could “pay me a physical compliment”, it took me back to the time Bear asked me if I would like to repair to somewhere more comfortable. Just as I got serious once again with my crab holes another chap came over, nothing for it, long swim and consider moving on later in the week.




The calling card, the serious job of blog checking, time for a dip.

We jumped up one morning feeling industrious. Bear got on to the internet, I got FINALLY down to designing business cards, well I guess calling cards to be more precise. I have always felt we were the poor relations when other yachties have flipped open their wallet and handed over a card, when we have scrawled on everything from paper serviettes, to scraps of paper and the backs of “fag packets”. Well quite happy with the printing, Bear got to work with the knife and bread board, result - Bee purse (thank you Alex of Muggins - last years birthday pressy) has a small wad. First one we gave out was to Bees Knees. Next opportunity to give one out to John from Finland, Bear - he is the keeper of the purse. “Can you give John a card”

No, no purse, only brought tonight’s tickets and a few bob.
Have you ever seen a cute smile turn into a snarling growl, Bear has.
Paint Pepes’ face puce. Paint a knowing look on Bears’ face.
Careful now Bear, Careful, you have to go home with it tonight and it will probably hurt.
Big Papas, Sunday night BB. First time we have seen a bonfire in ages. Jim off Bees Knees thought it hilarious that I was having a serious chat with a French skipper about Trinidad.
We got Jim and Ann back though especially with the middle shot
Bear with Ian and JC and me with them with plenty of passive smoke.

As it turns out after the BBQ and many, many VERY strong rum punches AND much passive smoke from Ian and JCs “Cigarettes” we both had to be steered down the jetty to be helped into our dinghy. Bear has no knowledge of the trip back to Beez, I'll let his eyes in the photos tell the story. We blame it all on Jim and Ann - Bees Knees who got us to go. They got up Monday, not too early and bade us farewell as they were off South. We hope to catch up with them in Grenada at the end of the season. We wish them “safe winds and following seas”.




A slack visitor taking shelter under the dinghy, me slack in the background on my posh sit-up lilo.




ALL IN ALL  - I spent many hours this week staring down crab holes. Bear has spent time reading, swimming and generally enjoying this smashing, slack place.