Departed Camden Haven
Position: 31 48.2 S 152 49.4 E I awoke at six before my alarm had a chance to go off. There was no wind, the tide was still flooding and the air was still thick with smoke. Restless, I decided to weigh anchor and get underway regardless. We cleared the Camden Haven breakwaters at 0735 and continued motoring into the short south-easterly swell lightly flecked with wind ripples, but nonetheless there was insufficient wind to sail. So we continued motoring. A half hour later, Perpendicular Point behind us, we tried sailing but the wind proved still too fickle to overcome the heavy swell, so it was back on with the motor for a while to provide a modicum of comfort. At 1030, a light breeze from the east started to fill in, sufficient to allow steerage way and we now have a steady breeze pushing Sylph along over and through the heading swell at a good five knots. Next stop is Newcastle, perhaps to rendezvous with a world from long ago. We have a fresh to strong breeze forecast for tonight so expect we will get there sometime early tomorrow. All is well. |