Head Winds

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Mon 29 Jan 2024 01:47
Course NW Speed 3.5 knots
Wind: WSW, F4
Sea: slight Swell: W 1m
Weather: partly cloudy, mild
Day's Run: 78 nm
Thus far since departing Tamar River we have experienced nothing but head winds, ranging from fresh to almost calm. This has seen quite a few sail changes, namely switching between the working jib and the code zero, reefing the mainsail between full sail and one or two reefs, and even an hour of motoring in the middle of the night when the wind faded to nothing. Nonetheless the winds were pretty much as forecast (though a tad fresher yesterday afternoon than I was hoping for) and things are going pretty well according to plan.
We have made reasonable ground in the desired direction towards Adelaide and, according to my grib files, the wind should be shifting into the SSW early tomorrow morning. This will allow us to ease sheets, pick up a bit of speed and will make for a more comfortable ride ... fingers crossed.
All is well.