Still (not still)

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Wed 25 May 2016 03:03
Course: West Nor’ West Speed: 4 knots
Wind: South West, F5 – strong breeze
Sea: moderate Swell: South West 3 meters
Weather: partly cloudy, mild
Day’s run: 86 nm sailed, 57 nm made good
We continue to punch our way into fresh headwinds. Progress is slow, but we
are getting there – to Sydney. A brief summary of the sailing day:
Midday: sailing SSW, yankee, staysail and reefed mainsail, making good four
knots; wind WNW, fresh breeze.
12.20: wind increasing, second reef in mainsail.
15.45: wind backing, tacked onto westerly heading, wind SSW, easing
slightly – one reef mainsail.
21.00: wind continuing to ease, SSW, gentle to moderate breeze – full
21.35: wind veering, WSW, gentle breeze; tacked onto southerly heading.
0320: wind increasing, moderate to fresh breeze – two reefs mainsail.
04.50: wind increasing further, strong breeze – furled yankee.
10.40: wind easing slightly, fresh breeze – set yankee.
Midday: wind backing into SW, freshening.
12.20: tacked onto WNW heading, handed staysail.
I am hoping that tomorrow we might get some north westerly winds for a bit.
That will allow us to ease sheets, pick up some speed and hopefully enjoy a
more comfortable ride compared to what the last several days have been like,
until the next front arrives, on Friday.
Baked some corn bread.
All is well.