Enroute Baie Puamau, Hiva Oa to Baie Hane Moe Noa, Tahuata

Position: Off north coast of Hiva
Course: West Speed: 7 knots Wind: East, F4 moderate breeze Weather: Sunny, warm After 24 hours in Baie Puamau I have decided to try my luck elsewhere as Paumau proved to be quite exposed to the swell and the wind bent around the headland making for a constant lee shore, not at all relaxing. And ashore did not look appealing to me either with a swell prone landing spot and a not particularly attractive landscape and I could smell a complete absence of hops in the air. Ideally what I am looking for is a nice calm bay with clear water for swimming, an easy landing spot, a fellow sailor or two to share a few yarns and a beer with, and a pub ashore or at least a shop that sells a cold beer. Oh and free wi-fi, but this last I know I am not going to get anywhere around here. And I almost forgot, a beautiful crew waiting to join me, she sure is taking her time … I reckon Hane Moe Noa should at least be swell free, so if it is a good anchorage my chances of finding a fellow rover is better then at a shitty anchorage, even if I am off season. It is about 30 miles away so again it might end up being a bit touch and go to get there before dark as we will have to negotiate our way past the wind shadow south of Hiva Oa, still if necessary we will drift around overnight. Not at all optimistic about finding a cold beer however, this is probably going to have to wait until Nuka Hiva. All is well. |