Light Winds

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Fri 10 Jul 2009 13:58
Course: Drifting
Wind: Nil
Weather: overcast, drizzle Sea: calm, swell nil.
Day's run: 75
The light wind freshened yesterday afternoon to a very pleasant following breeze, with canvas spread wing on wing Sylph rolled quietly along at a respectable five to six knots. I had hoped to be around Carnsore Point and Taskar Rock, the south-east corner of Ireland, this morning, but this was not to be, the wind gradually abandoned us so that by 4 a.m. we were drifting on a flat calm sea. not a breath of wind could be felt, the Aussie flag on the back stay and Irish flag at the spreaders both hung limp and lifeless. Well as long as we were going nowhere and we were clear of traffic it seemed a good chance to catch up on a little sleep, BC and I curled up on the settee, BC purring, happier then I have seen him for a little while.
Just now we have got a little breeze, must go and see what we can do with it.
Bob Cat:
About time skipper Bob got his schedule more in order. Of late he disappears ashore of a day time, so with no one to annoy I sleep, then when he is back of an evening, well of course it's time for socializing which he inexplicably seems little interested. Now we are at sea, the gentle motion, skipper Bob on call 24 hours, warm bunk, a few pats . now if we could just sort the food out, life would be pretty good. Sleep is always good .... Zzzzzz.
All is well.