Great Keppel and Beyond

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Fri 9 Aug 2024 04:09
Course: N Speed: 5 knots
Wind: SSE, F4 - moderate breeze
Sea: slight Swell: ESE, 1m
Weather: overcast, mild
Day's run: 44 nm
We arrived off Great Keppel Island sailing to anchor within the capacious bay on its northern side just on sunset. And it is just as well the bay had plenty of room as once we had settled I counted over forty boats within its protection. As such I was not inclined to stay longer than needed, so, after a relatively peaceful night of uninterrupted sleep, we weighed anchor at 0850 and got under way again.
We are now experiencing the near continuous reliability of the SE trades and I was able to sail from anchor and turn Sylph's bows north, once more running wing-on-wing. While we are enjoying the steady winds we have not yet reached the protection of the Great Barrier Reef and a short swell is coming at us from the east causing Sylph to roll in a short jerky motion. I search around to find the sources of all the items that are poorly secured and go clunk with each passing swell - just one more up forward somewhere.
Our next stop is Middle Percy Island where we should arrive tomorrow morning. The reef might start to provide some protection from the swell here but the anchorage is likely to be just as crowded as Great Keppel, perhaps worse. However, as a life member of the Percy Island Yacht Club I cannot pass this island treasure without paying homage at the cruising yachty's shrine. I shall have to see whether Sylph's small contribution is still hanging in the large A-frame shelter, and if necessary give it a clean and touch up. Also I have advice from a reliable authority that the new caretakers are quite friendly, so on our arrival I might trek up to the homestead and purchase some fresh vegetables (and perhaps some cider if it is still in production).
On more mundane matters, I think I am making some progress on resolving the insurance issue. With luck I will have a better idea of the situation next week.
All is well.