More Maintenance
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Wed 22 Jan 2014 12:06
Weather: mostly cloudy, occasional shower, cool
This morning I once again donned working attire and attacked the numerous little rust spots that eternally spring up on Sylph's deck. Unfortunately a shower about mid-afternoon went over just a short while after I had applied the first coat of primer, so tomorrow I may have to remove the paint and start over. Bother!
Looking at the weather, Friday or Saturday look good for heading north, the only trouble is that according to this damn sailing permit I am not supposed to leave Naha until Monday, by which time the winds will have swung back into the north. I have to say I think this whole system of micro-managing foreign small craft movements is just bizarre. My quandary is do I break the rules and leave when the weather is good, or observe the rules and sail from Naha into a dead muzzler. I guess I will know come Friday. It will depend a lot on what the forecast says for Monday as we get a bit closer to Friday.
All is well.