Under Way

1400 Position: 35
25.3 S 138 03.9 E I had hoped to have everything secured for sea last night, in particular stowing the dinghy on deck, but the wind was a bit fresh from the south which made conditions a little lumpy at the mooring. Consequently I left securing Sylph for sea until this morning which, in turn, meant we got away from the mooring a little later then I had hoped, but, not really being in a hurry to be anywhere, it didn't matter very much. At 7.30, after a little bit of a tussle with the heavy mooring chain, (the whipping on the end of the bridle I had rigged got jammed between a couple of links in the mooring chain – unbelievable!) we were under way, heading close-hauled to east with a south-easterly breeze. This meant we had to put a couple of tacks in to clear the southern end of the spit which guards Kingscote so nicely, before we could bear away and shape a course for our final destination for this particular voyage, namely Adelaide. We now have a very pleasant southerly behind us. Sylph is running wing on wing before the it, the seas are smooth, the sky is blue and . . . All is well. |