Day 161 – Thumping South

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Mon 23 May 2022 06:28
Course: SW Speed: 6 knots
Wind: SE Force 4-5
Sea: moderate Swell: SE 3 m
Weather: mostly sunny, warm
Day’s Run: 144 nm
The trade wind continues fresh and Sylph continues to thump away as best she can to the south, making good a course of 210° at an average speed of six knots. We have retained two reefs in the main and the jib rolled down to 50% for the past 24 hours. The wind eases for periods during which I ponder whether to shake out a reef or not but invariably within half an hour the wind picks up again, Sylph heels over and again thumps her way over and through the waves, and I am content to leave things as they are.
All is well.