Nagasaki Bound
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sat 15 Mar 2014 13:39
Weather: sunny and cool
This morning I was awoken by Muramoto San, knocking on the boat. It was eight o'clock and I was a little surprised that he had arrived so early, for last night we had done what I guess could only be described as a Japanese version of a pub crawl. We started the evening at a Spanish tapas bar where we met up with Muramoto's, or, more simply, Tom's friends, and from there walked around the streets of Nagasaki and tumbled into and out of various bars, though perhaps tumble is rather reminiscent of more youthful behavior than that which actually transpired, at least I hope so. Muramoto's friends were an educated bunch; two doctors, and two professors, one in economics and the other I do not recall. Muramoto's calling is that of a computer technician, though he is also a sailor and a cat lover. He manages the website for the Dejima Marina, and presumably it was RC that brought him to visit Sylph in the first place ( Most of Muramoto's friends spoke a good standard of English, allowing us to share a high level of well informed conversation that I found very enjoyable, especially after over a week of near total intellectual isolation in Sato Ne. We ended the evening on board Sylph where RC was the popular centre of attention.
Today we met up with the economics professor, Muckey. We visited a Shinto shrine, followed by the oldest Catholic Church in Japan, we were charged entry into both, which is the first time I have been charged to enter a religious place of worship. From there we visited the Glover Gardens, a site that used to be the house and gardens of a nineteenth century Scottish entrepreneur, who is well regarded by Nagasaki people for bringing modern western business to Japan. From the little I could learn during the short tour, he did seem like someone who had the interests of the Japanese people in mind, at least according to his own lights, and he did bring increased prosperity to the region.
After our tours we adjourned to a traditional Japanese restaurant for a lunch which was oishii (delicious). Moramoto has patiently tried to teach me a few Japanese words, but I am afraid my ineptitude in languages defies his efforts, which is why has said to just call him Tom, his family name being Tomoaki.
Now I really want to listen to a lecture before turning in, and tomorrow I plan to visit the Atomic Bomb Museum. I enjoyed today very much, but I am looking forward to a quieter and more reflective day tomorrow.
All is well.