
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 17 Sep 2023 23:22

Position: Moored Rushcutters Bay, Port Jackson
Wind: N, F1
Sea: calm Swell: nil
Weather: mostly sunny, warm

Not a lot has been achieved this week, apart from slowly re-stowing Sylph and restoring life on board to normal. A big handicap over the last two weeks has been the skipper (i.e. me) coming down with a nasty cold which has rather slowed our progress (big cities are unhealthy places), but I am starting to feel better so hope to be able to pick up the pace a bit this week. The major tasks outstanding are the safety audit, updating the medical kit, and having the communications systems checked.

Chris and my aim is to get Sylph ready for the Toll Gate Island Race which is on the weekend of 13 October, a tight schedule but achievable. The race counts as a qualifying race for the Sydney to Hobart and we figure that if we can make this race than we will be in very good shape to make it to the S2H start line.

We still wait with baited breath for the stability report. Hopefully the results will arrive in the next few days.

Not all well, but getting better.