Strong Winds
anchor Emu Bay We enjoyed another peaceful night at anchor with a light breeze and clam seas; but, at around 0600, as forecast the wind veered into the west and freshened considerably. I got dressed and went on deck to let out a bit more cable. This no doubt helped but by 0800 it was clear that Sylph was dragging. This did not surprise me too much given that we had anchored in a weedy bottom. Unfortunately, while the western side of Emu Bay provides the best shelter from W'ly winds, no doubt for that reason there is also a number of moorings taking up much of this side of the bay. Consequently, on coming into the bay on Tuesday I had anchored to seaward of the mooring field and was unable to find any sandy patches to set the anchor in. However, having rowed ashore yesterday morning I had a better feel for this part of the bay so at 0840 I started the engine and weighed anchor. We then motored to the shore side of the moorings and when I let go the anchor again I was able to ensure that it found a nice sandy patch where it could get a firm hold. Since then, despite the strong winds and a short sea that is wrapping around Cape D'Estaing, we have remained securely in place. Fortunately the wind has now backed more into the SW and we are getting better shelter from the land such that the sea has flattened out and Sylph lies more comfortably to her cable. Later this evening the wind is expected to ease a little so we should be able to enjoy another relatively relaxed night. While the wind will be easing tomorrow, it will remain relatively fresh until Saturday, so at this stage my plan is to remain here until Saturday then, as mentioned yesterday, move around to Kingscote for the day to top up with some fresh supplies. Despite being at anchor, Oli has decided conditions warrant seeking refuge under the covers, perhaps a coping strategy suggested by the name of the bay (presuming that Oli would not fuss too much about the difference between emus and ostriches). All is well. |