Light Winds

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sat 15 May 2021 04:20
Noon Position: 30 19.6 S 154 18.6 E
Course WNW Speed 4 knots
Wind: SSW, F3 Sea: slight Swell: S, 2 meters
Weather: mostly sunny, mild
Day’s Run: 96 nm
The last 24 hours have been mostly pleasant sailing with conditions abating significantly during the afternoon. Indeed, the wind has at times been a bit on the light side but, just when I am contemplating starting up the BRM, the breeze picks up just enough to keep Sylph sailing at a soothing three to four knots. So, thus far, the Bright Red Machine has lain dormant.
We haven’t far to go now with less than 100 nm to go. We should be off Coffs Harbour early tomorrow but will then have to heave to so as to enter at our nominated arrival time of 1000 Monday. Unfortunately, in these pandemic times life is a lot more complicated for the long-distance sailor, as I guess it is for most everyone. On arrival I have to have a COVID test done and then go into self-isolation until I get the result, which may take up to three days. I was encountering a few difficulties with trying to work out a ‘safe travel plan’ which I needed before NSW Health would grant me a quarantine exemption, but, fortuitously, it turns out we have a couple of sailing friends in port, Janet and Peter from ‘Déjà Vu’. They have kindly offered to help out with transporting me to the testing clinic. Thank you Peter and Janet.
And while saying thank you, I owe my sister, Jennifer, big time for all her help over the past few days sorting out some of the confusion that has occurred in all the emails that have been flying about. And then of course there is Kate who has remained in New Zealand. She has also helped, in particular with getting Oli’s paperwork through to the proper authorities. Thank you Kate.
Now we just need to navigate the last few miles without mishap. I am expecting the wind to pick up again this evening but by then we should be very close to our destination, so we will likely reduce sail and just jog along comfortably until it is time to enter harbour.
All is well.