Family Day Sail, thence to Mornington

Mornington Position: 38 12.79 S 145 02.29 E Sunday’s day sail with Mark’s family went well apart from initially having no wind. The Royal Brighton Yacht Club kindly lent us some lifejackets suitable for the younger crew members, Isabella and Archer, and once we were all on board, safety briefed, and settled, we motored out of the channel with the once more smoothly running BRM. Once clear of the RBYC breakwater, we hoisted the mainsail, shut down the BRM and proceeded to … drift. All was not lost, however. While Mark, Mon and I chatted on the foredeck, Issy and Archer, under the 1st mate’s watchful eye, became more familiar with the ASC, Oli, down below. A light breeze eventually filled in and ultimately made for a perfect day of relaxation on the water. Once back alongside, expertly guided in with Issy at the helm, we secured Sylph back alongside. We all then adjourned by various means back to Mark’s family abode where we concluded a delightful day with an evening barbecue. Kate and I returned on aboard late that evening sated and satisfied. With fresh south-easterlies forecast for much of the remainder of the week and not wanting to remain alongside, yesterday morning we departed the RBYC and sailed 20 nm south to anchor off Mornington, where we arrived a little after 1800. Today we will have a short explore ashore and consider our further plans. We will likely remain in Port Phillip for another week to allow Kate to fulfil some administrative obligations and one more final farewell barbecue with Mark and family. All is well.